URL: https://www.desy.de/career/career_programs/fellowships/experimental_particle_physics/index_eng.html
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Experimental particle physics
in experimental particle physics

Junior scientists from experimental particle physics are invited to participate in the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS, the BELLE II-Experiment at KEK, the ALPS II-Experiment at DESY, in the preparation of experiments at the future International Linear Collider ILC and in the research and development, of new particle detectors. Research groups are also active in accelerator development, e.g. for the ILC or in the field of plasma wakefield acceleration. Experimental activities for the detectors and their conversions and upgrades mainly take place in the Hamburg institute where, apart from laboratories and other infrastructures, a test beam is operated. The experimental work is supplemented by analysis activities using the large local computer resources, e.g. the Tier2 centre and the National Analysis Facility.
DESY fellowships in experimental particle physics are granted for a period of two years, with the possibility to prolong it for another year. Salaries commensurate with those of public service organisations in Germany.
DESY fellowships in experimental particle physics are awarded twice a year. Interested physicists, who have recently completed their Ph.D. are invited to send their application, including their scientific career history and the usual documents (Motivation letter, research interest, CV, list of publications, copies of university degrees, three reference letters) until 31 March or 30 September each year. Please use our career portal.
Reference letter
▸ Please forward the Job-ID and your E-Mailadress with you used for the application to the expert reviewers you have chosen. The reference letters with the Job-ID and E-Mailadress will then be allocated to your application.
▸ Please also forward our questionnaire for expert reviewers to the three expert reviewers you have chosen and ask them to directly upload their statement with the following link.