31.05.2018 / 11:15 - 12:15 / Hamburg, Campus Schenefeld XHQ/E1.173

Nature, Nature Physics & Nature Reviews Physics: an editorial perspective

Giulia Pacchioni, Philip Kraack, Tobias Roedel (Nature Publishing Group)

Editors from Nature and Nature Physics will discuss which kind of content their journals look for and analyse, through examples of published papers, the characteristics a paper should have to appear in a Nature journal. They will also give some insight into the editorial process. An introduction to the soon-to-launch new title, Nature Reviews Physics, will follow, along with some thoughts on what makes a good review, how to pitch reviews to editors and which kind of author services Nature Reviews journals provide. Ample time will be left for discussion and for questions from the audience.

Mehr Informationen: https://indico.desy.de/indico/event/20668/