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25.11.2020 / 15:30 / Hamburg, Zoom Meeting
Theoretical Physics Symposium 2020 | Wolfgang Paul CentrePath Integrals for the Universe
Neil Turok, Higgs Chair fo Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh (public scientific seminar)
The Wolfgang Pauli Centre for Theoretical Physics, a joint forum of the Universität Hamburg and DESY, organizes a mini Symposium to celebrate the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics 2020 which was awarded to Prof. Valery Rubakov this year. The event will consist of two scientific talks. First seminar will be given by Prof. Valery Rubakov, Chief Researcher at Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and Professor at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. The second seminar will be delivered by Prof. Neil Turok, Higgs Chair of Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh.
Mehr Informationen: https://indico.desy.de/event/27840/images/2031-2020_11_Poster_Pauli_Center_Workshop_WEB.jpg