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18.05.2022 / 16:00 / Hamburg,
ZOOM video seminarParticle Accelerator R&D at TRIUMF and the University of Victoria
Tobias Junginger (University of Victoria & TRIUMF)
TRIUMF is using SRF technology for its heavy ion post-accelerator at the ISAC facility and
for the ARIEL high power electron linac, a second driver for radioactive ion beam production.
Ongoing projects on ISAC include increasing beam time through model-based beam tuning and
reaching higher charge states with two frequency heating of the charge state booster. Potential
future developments aim to reach higher beam energies through SRF upgrades and adding
a storage ring to the facility. Through ISAC and ARIEL SRF technology has become a key
expertise of TRIUMF. Fundamental SRF research addresses heat treatments for coaxial cavities
and material science studies taking advantage of local infrastructure at TRIUMF (muSR and
beta-NMR) and UVic (electron microscopy). Finally, I will present examples of UVic and
TRIUMF involvement in large international accelerator projects for particle physics and other
Canadian accelerator projects in medical and material science.
Meeting ID : 895 7629 7967
Password : 208277
Mehr Informationen: https://accphysem.desy.de/index.html