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08.02.2017 / 14:30 - 15:30 / Hamburg, Geb. 2a, SemRm 2
Theory ColloquiumHiggs boson mass: the quest for precise predictions in SUSY models
Dominik Stoeckinger (TU Dresden)
An important feature of supersymmetric (SUSY) models is that the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson can be predicted as a function of the SUSY spectrum. This allows stringent tests of SUSY models. However, the precision of current theory predictions is far worse than the precision of the LHC Higgs mass measurement. The talk first presents an overview of two general approaches to Higgs mass calculations in SUSY models: fixed-order and effective-field-theory type calculations. It then presents a novel approach, which combines virtues of the two general approaches. The novel approach is called FlexibleEFTHiggs and has beenimplemented in FlexibleSUSY for a variety of SUSY models, including the MSSM, the NMSSM, and the R-symmetric MRSSM. The talk discusses in detail the pros and cons of all approaches, the contributions which are taken into account/neglected, and it discusses methods to estimate the theory uncertainty of the existing calculations.