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13.07.2017 / 14:15 - 15:15 / Hamburg, building 2a, seminar room 2
String Theory SeminarTowards Complexity for Quantum Field Theory States
Michal Heller (AEI MPG)
Motivated by recent developments at the intersection of high energy physics, gravity and quantum information science, we investigate notions of complexity of states in continuous quantum-many body systems. In order to make progress, we focus on Gaussian states which include ground states of free quantum field theories and their approximations described by the continuous version of Multiscale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz. Our proposal for quantifying state complexity is based on the Fubini-Study metric in the manifold of Gaussian states and corresponds to counting the number of application of each gate (infinitesimal generator) in the transformation, subject to a state-dependent choice of norm. Contrary to traditional notions of complexity, which are essentially intractable, our setting allows us to explicitly obtain non-trivial results. In particular, despite working with quantum field theories far outside the regime where Einstein gravity duals exist, we find striking similarities between our results and holographic complexity proposals.
More Information: https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=17417