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01.11.2019 / 10:30 - 12:30 / Hamburg, Generalkonsulat der Republik Indien in Hamburg, Kohlhöfen 21
India WeekIndo-German collaboration in Research and Innovation: Nano-mate-rial Research with X-rays and new Possibilities through 3D Printing
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Additive Produktionstechnologien (Fraunhofer IAPT)
Page 71: DESY and Fraunhofer IAPT from Hamburg present their scientific competence in comprehensible lectures. Researchers from all over India are very successful-ly using the intense X-ray light from the particle accelerator PETRA III at DESY to investigate the properties of new nano-materials. In the lecture, the special features of the highly brilliant X-ray source PETRA III as well as exciting exper-iments in materials research will be presented. Fraunhofer IAPT presents the recent innovation and new possibilities in the field of additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing.
More Information: https://indiaweek.hamburg.de/contentblob/12956372/064938ba8a46649f61516246fd5a63b0/data/d-programm-indiaweek-2019.pdf