07.02.2023 / 8:30 - 21:00 / Hamburg, DESY Campus Building 28c


Critical Materials and Life Cycle Management: The Example of Rare Earths – Curse or Blessing?

We cordially invite you to our workshop “Critical Materials and Life Cycle Management: The Example of Rare Earths – Curse or Blessing?” on February the 6th- 8th 2023 at DESY Hamburg. Rare Earth Elements (REE) are used in a wide range of applications, e.g. permanent magnets and accelerators, for wind turbines, in chemical industries and many more, but the socio- economical impact of mining and processing is disastrous. Recycling and thus recovery of these materials are not yet established on an industrial scale. In our workshop we are going to present approaches for the REE and to discuss options for a certification process for mining and processing of REE. Within the framework of the EU project iFast (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) we want to initiate a cooperation with science, industry, politics and NGO to tackle the problems in Life Cycle of REE together.

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/event/35655/registrations/