27.02.2023 / 15:00 - 16:00 / Hamburg, SR2, build. 2a

Theory Seminar

Baryon asymmetry from particle production during axion inflation

Kai Schmitz (CERN) (DESY)

Leptogenesis is an attractive mechanism to explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe that typically relies on the simultaneous violation of baryon-minus-lepton number (B-L) and charge-parity invariance (CP). Recently, it has, however, been shown how standard leptogenesis can be generalized to arbitrary chemical backgrounds in the early Universe, such that the dynamics of CP and B-L violation are no longer necessarily related to each other. The central idea of this scenario, dubbed "wash-in leptogenesis", is that right-handed-neutrino interactions assume the status of spectator processes and are responsible as such for converting primordial charge asymmetries generated at high temperatures to a new B-L-violating chemical equilibrium at low temperatures. In this talk, I will first review the basics of wash-in leptogenesis and then explain how cosmic inflation driven by an axion-like pseudos scalar field that couples to the Standard Model hypercharge gauge sector can provide the right initial conditions for wash-in leptogenesis. This talk is based on work in collaboration with Valerie Domcke, Eduard Gorbar, Kohei Kamada, Kyohei Mukaida, Oleksandr Sobol, Stanislav Vilchinskii, and Masaki Yamada [2011.09347, 2109.01651, 2111.04712, 2210.06412].

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/event/38229/