27.06.2023 / 15:00 - 16:00 / Hamburg, SR2, building 2a

Theory Seminar

A colorful mirror solution to the strong CP problem

Quentin Bonnefoy (UC Berkeley)

Theories which spontaneously break spacetime parity can solve the strong CP problem. They usually have few free parameters and are therefore very predictive, but their landscape remains quite unexplored. I will present a construction based on a complete mirror copy of the standard model, linked to our world by colored portal fields. Those induce the partial spontaneous breaking of the color groups, which yields a vanishing theta angle at low energies. The lightest BSM fields could be colored (pseudo-Goldstone or vector) bosons, while the lightest of the heavy vectorlike fermions typical of parity models can play the role of dark matter.

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/event/40245/