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DESY News: FLASHForward makes waves
News from the DESY research centre
FLASHForward makes waves
The plasma wakefield accelerator project FLASHForward has reached an important milestone: in the night of the 19th of June DESY physicist Jens Osterhoff and his team generated a wakefield in plasma with a field strength of more than 12 gigavolts per meter using an electron beam from DESY’s FLASH accelerator. This experimental demonstration confirmed the theory that it is possible to produce very strong accelerating field strengths in plasma using FLASH beams, with field strengths exceeding those in ‘classic’ metallic accelerator cavities by more than two orders of magnitude. The next goal is to accelerate particles with the beam-generated wakefield; the milestone just reached was a critical step towards this goal.

View into the three-centimetre plasma cell of FLASHForward. Image: DESY
FLASHForward is a project for the future: instead of building ever larger particle accelerators, which generate the high energies required for science, plasma wave experiments rely on a new type of acceleration that exploits the special properties of plasma.

This is the first time in Europe, and the second time ever, that an electron beam with an energy of more than one giga electronvolt has generated a wakefield. The other success was achieved by the FACET experiment at the American SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. From July onwards the team will start experimenting with the acceleration of a particle beam.