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I am a senior scientist in the IPP (Information Management, Projects, Processes) group
at DESY.
Since 2011, when I joined IPP, I have been responsible for the Technical Design Documentation of the
International Linear Collider (ILC).
I have contributed to the Design Integration of the ILC and the editing of the
Technical Design Report, and now
I work as cost engineer and Change Administrator.
I coordinate the CAD services of IPP,
which encompass the provision and support of CAD software (predominantly I-DEAS and Solid Edge) for more than 400 users at DESY,
and consulting and participation in projects, for instance CAD data quality assurance and integration for the European X-FEL.
As member of the IPP team, I support and advise large scientific projects in matters of
data management, including application of project management and system engineering methods.
Currently, we work for the European X-FEL,
FLASH Forward,
and support the
ALPS II project
and the DESY groups working on the
CTA observatory.
I have been a member of the H1 collaboration since 1992, where I got
my PhD in 1997 working on the Forward Proton Spectrometer (FPS).
From 1998 to 2000 I was a CERN fellow and worked in W decays to charm quarks in the OPAL collaboration.
From 2001 to 2006 I was employed by the ETH Zurich and was
in charge of the H1 Central Silicon Tracker (CST).
Later I was co-convenor of
the Heavy Flavour Working Group,
working for the University of Hamburg,
where I also gave lectures on Detectors in high-energy physics
and Higgs and electroweak interactions.
I am interested in the application of statistical methods
and have contributed the chapter on constrained fitting to a text book
on Data Analysis in High Energy Physics,
and have acted as reviewer for papers on statistical methods for international journals such as Nuclear Instruments
and Methods A and European Physics Journal C.
Important Publications and Theses
B. List, L. Hagge, J. Kreutzkamp and N. Walker:
Engineering Data Management for the ILC Site Specific Design Phase,
Proceedings, 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014): Dresden, Germany, June 16-20, 2014,
1839-1841 (TUPRI116).
B. List, L. Hagge, J. Kreutzkamp and N. Walker:
Design Integration at the International Linear Collider,
Proceedings, 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013): Shanghai, China, May 12-17, 2013,
1559-1561 (TUPME002).
C. Adolphsen et al. (eds.):
The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 3.I: Accelerator & in the Technical Design Phase,
arXiv:1306.6353 [physics.acc-ph].
C. Adolphsen et al. (eds.):
The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 3.II: Accelerator Baseline Design,
arXiv:1306.6328 [physics.acc-ph].
B. List:
Possible Staging Scenarios for the ILC,
In: Helmholtz Alliance Linear Collider Forum: Proceedings of the Workshops Hamburg, Munich, Hamburg 2010-2012, Germany,
DESY-12-123H (2012) 25-36.
L. Hagge, B. List, S. Suehl, N.J. Walker and N. Welle:
Design Integration and Vision Sharing for the ILC,
Proceedings, 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012), 20-25 May 2012. New Orleans, LA,
1837-1839 (TUPPR013).
S. Eucker, L. Hagge, B. List, N.J. Walker, N. Welle:
Organizing the ILC Technical Design Documentation,
Proceedings, 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference: IPAC 2011,
4-9 Sep 2011, San Sebastian, Spain,
1656-1658 (TUPS055)
S. Eucker, L. Hagge, B. List, S. Suehl, N. Welle:
Synchronizing GEANT and 3D CAD - A Collaborative Engineering Study at ILD,
Proceedings, 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference: IPAC 2011,
4-9 Sep 2011, San Sebastian, Spain,
1659-1661 (TUPS056)
B. List:
Decomposition of a covariance matrix into uncorrelated and correlated errors,
Alliance Workshop on Unfolding and Data Correction,
27-28 May 2010, DESY, Hamburg, Germany. file
M. Beckmann, B. List and J. List:
Treatment of Photon Radiation in Kinematic Fits at Future e+ e- Colliders,
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 624 (2010) 184-191,
arXiv:1006.0436 [hep-ex]
"Decomposition of a covariance matrix into uncorrelated and correlated errors".
- B. List:
The Pomeron trajectory based on elastic rho photoproduction,
arXiv:0906.4945 [hep-ex]
Contribution to the XVII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects DIS 2009,
Madrid, Spain, 26.-30.4.2009
- B. List:
MarlinKinfit: An Object--Oriented Kinematic Fitting Package
- J. List, B. List:
Self-filling histograms: an object oriented analysis framework"
contributed paper
to the Conference on
Computing in High-Energy
Physics CHEP 2004, Interlaken, 27th September - 1st October 2004.
T. Behnke, J. Böhme, B. List, S. Schmitt:
A new analysis for the transverse polarimeter at HERA-II,
contributed paper 120
to the
European Physical Society
International Conference on High Energy Physics,
July 17-23, 2003, Aachen, Germany.
B. List: The H1 central silicon tracker,"
Instr. Meth. A501 (2003) 49-53.
P. van Esch et al.: "The H1 forward proton
spectrometer," Nucl. Instr. Meth. A446 (1999)
409-425. [hep-ex/0001046].
OPAL Collaboration, G. Abbiendi et al.: "A measurement of
the rate of charm production in W decays," Phys. Lett. B490 (2000) 71-86. [hep-ex/0009020].
H1 Collaboration, C. Adloff et al.: "Measurement of
leading proton and neutron production in deep inelastic
scattering at HERA," Eur. Phys. J. C6 (1999)
587-602. [hep-ex/9811013].
- PhD thesis:
(complete gzipped ps [2.2MB],
abstract in german and english):
"Tiefunelastische ep-Streuung bei HERA unter Nachweis eines
vorwärts gestreuten Protons",
PhD thesis
University of Hamburg
- Diploma thesis:
ps-file with lots of scanned images [2.6MB]):
"Diffraktive J/ψ-Produktion in Elektron-Proton-Stössen
am Speicherring HERA",
Diploma thesis
Technical University of Berlin
1993, unpublished.
- A list of all my publications from SPIRES
Unpublished Reports
G. Dugan, M. Harrison, B. List, N. Walker,
Implications of an Energy-Phased approach to the realization of the ILC,
EDMS ID D00000001046475.
B. List, M. Harrison, N. Walker,
Change Management for the ILC,
EDMS ID D00000001057375.
B. List,
Harmonic Number for the ILC Damping Rings,
EDMS ID D00000000960865.
More Conference Contributions
- Photon 95, Sheffield, UK, 1995:
"First measurement of the deep-inelastic structure of proton diffraction"
(representing the H1 collaboration).
Proceedings: in
D.J. Miller, S.L. Cartwright, V. Khoze (eds):
PHOTON '95: proceedings.
Singapore, Singapore, World Scientific, 1995,
(Spires entry).
- DIS97, Chicago, IL, 1997:
(gzipped ps [159kB]):
"DIS with leading protons in the forward proton
spectrometer of H1 at HERA" (representing the H1
(gzipped ps [41kB],
AIP server):
B. List: "Observation of deep inelastic ep
scattering with a leading proton," in: J. Repond, D.
Krakauer (eds): "Deep inelastic scattering and QCD, 5th
internaional workshop, Chicago, IL, April 1997," Woodbury,
NY (AIP Conference proceedings 407) 1997, p.
(AIP server).
- Workshop on low x physics, Madrid 1997:
(gzipped ps [800kB]):
"DIS with leading baryons at ZEUS and H1 at
HERA" (representing the ZEUS and H1 collaborations)
(gzipped ps [189kB]):
B. List: "Deep inelastic scattering with leading baryons
at HERA," in: F. Barreiro, L. Labarga, J. del Peso (eds):
"Low x physics. Proceedings of the Madrid workshop, Madrid,
Spain, 18-21 June 1997," Singapore (World Scientific)
1998, p. 202-207.
- Workshop Monte Carlo generators for HERA physics
B. List, A. Mastroberardino: "DIFFVM - A Monte Carlo
generator for diffractive processes in ep scattering,"
in: A.T. Doyle, G. Grindhammer, G. Ingelman, H. Jung (eds):
"Monte Carlo generators for HERA physics, proceedings of the
workshop 1998-1999," Hamburg (DESY) DESY-PROC-1999-02, p.
(gzipped ps [160kB])
- PHOTON2000, Ambleside, UK, 2000:
(gzipped ps [970kB]):
"Hadronic final states in diffractive ep
scattering" (representing the ZEUS and H1
(gzipped ps [210kB],
AIP server): B. List: "Jet production in diffractive ep
scattering," in: A. J. Fimch (ed): "Proceedings PHOTON
2000," AIP (AIP conference proceedings 571), 2001. 492p.
(AIP server)
- VERTEX 2001, Brunnen, Switzerland, 2001:
(pdf [10.6MB]):
"The H1 central silicon tracker, performance and
(gzipped ps [600kB]):
B. List: "The H1 central silicon tracker,"
Proceedings: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A501 (2003) 49-53.
- DESY PRC 10/02:
"H1: Status and Prospects."
Transparencies (pdf [1.0MB],
StarImpress 5.2 [1.6MB], M$ Powerpoint [1.4MB])
- DIS 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia 2003:
"Heavy flavour physics at HERA-II" (invited talk).
(pdf [1.9MB],
StarImpress 5.2 [1.1MB])
- EPS-HEP 2003, Aachen, Germany 2003:
"Measurements of meson production in ep scattering at H1".
(pdf [4.4MB])
- Vertex 2003, Low Wood, Cumbria, UK 2003:
"The H1 silicon tracker".
(pdf [1.9MB],
StarImpress [1.7MB])
Proceedings: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A549 (2005) 33-36
- 8th ICATPP Conference, Villa Erba, Como 6-10 October 2003:
"The H1 silicon tracker".
(pdf [990kB])
- DPG Frühjahrstagung 2004, Mainz,
"HERA - ein Labor für die QCD" (Hauptvortrag).
(pdf [2.9MB],
Power point [3.9MB])
- BEAUTY 2005, Assisi,
"Heavy Flavour Production in DIS at HERA".
(pdf [1.7MB])
- Workshop on Tracking in High-Multiplicity Environments TIME05, Zurich, Switzerland, 3.-7.10.2005
"The H1 silicon tracker".
(pdf [1.3MB]),
Proceedings: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A566 (2006) 110-113
- XLI Rencentres de Moriond on QCD 2006, La Thuile
"Heavy Flavour Production at HERA".
(pdf [2.2MB]),
Proceedings: arXiv:hep-ex/0605089v1
- Sino-German Workshop on Frontiers in QCD, Hamburg, DESY,
"Structure Function Measurements at HERA".
(pdf [2.8MB])
- XV International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering DIS2007, Munich, Germany, 16.-20.4.07
"Heavy Flavour Working Group Summary, Experimental Part".
(pdf [4.3MB])
Michael Klasen, Benno List, Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer, Rainer
Mankel: "Summary of the Heavy Flavor Working Group",
arXiv:0707.3907v1 [hep-ph]
from Publisher)
- 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics ICHEP08,
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 30.7.-5.8.2008
"Beauty and Charm Photoproduction".
arXiv:0809.5176 [hep-ph].
- XVII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects DIS 2009,
Madrid, Spain, 26.-30.4.2009
"The Pomeron trajectory based on elastic rho photoproduction".
arXiv:0906.4945 [hep-ex]
"Beauty photoproduction through decays to muons and jets".
arXiv:0906.5435 [hep-ex]
Alliance Workshop on Unfolding and Data Correction,
27-28 May 2010, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
"Decomposition of a covariance matrix into uncorrelated and correlated errors".
- 1st International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2012),
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 10.-16.6.2012.
"The International Linear Collider".
Writeup: EPJ Web Conf. 70 (2014) 00062.
6th Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale",
3.-5.12.2012, Hamburg, Germany.
"ILC Machine: Scenarios for a Higgs Factory."
DESY-12-123H (2012) 25-36.
IVICFA Easter Physics Workshop 2013,
25.-26.3.2013, Madrid, Spain.
"The ILC Project."
5th Bethe Center Workshop: LHC Run1 Aftermath -
Where Theory Meets Experiment, 30.9.-3.10.2013, Bad Honnef, Germany.
"ILC: Status and Plans."
XVII Roma Tre Topical Seminar on Subnuclear Physics: The Higgs potential and physics at future colliders,
Rome, Italy, 10.12.2014.
"The International Linear Collider".
Self-Filling Histograms
Together with Jenny List, I have written a
toolkit called "Self-filling histograms" (SFH).
Documentation in HTML
and Postscript
is available.
An interface to the Marseille analysis framework
Marana, called
SFHMarana, is also available and documented in
and Postscript.
Kinematic Fitting
Together with Jenny Böhme, I am developing
an object-oriented kinematic fitting framework
called KINFIT.
Documentation in HTML
and Postscript
is available.
Other Presentations
- On the occasion of Wulfrin Bartel's retirement:
"Measuring Forward Scattered Protons at H1".
Transparencies (pdf [1.1MB])
- In the H1 OO meeting, 12.8.08
"Top 10 C++ Tips".
Transparencies (pdf [125kB])
OPAL Technical Notes
- J. Böhme, B. List: "Implementation of the
Higgsstrahlung Matrix Element." OPAL technical note TN607, unpublished.
- B. List: "A Simple Figure of Merit for Searches." OPAL
technical note TN619,
- C. Rembser, B. List: "Description of Selection
Efficiencies in Searches for Heavy Particles with Finite
Lifetime." OPAL technical note TN643, unpublished.
Unpublished Notes on Statistical Topics
I am the author of diffVM, a Monte Carlo generator for
diffractive processes in ep collisions based on the VDM.
Last update: 2015 B. List