HERA and the LHC A workshop on the
implications of HERA for LHC physics latest update February 14, 2007 |
Meetings - agenda and
Organizing Committee:DESY: Hannes Jung (DESY/Lund, chair), J.
Blümlein (DESY), Max Klein (DESY),
Elisabetta Gallo (INFN), Claude Vallee (CPPM)
WG4 Diffraction |
and articles about the HERA - LHC
workshop: Hannes Jung - Summary of 2nd HERA and the LHC workshop
DESY seminar 15. June 2006 ( ppt,
David d'Enterria - Low-x QCD physics from RHIC and HERA to the LHC (hep-ex/0610061) talk presented at HERA-LHC workshop, June 2006 |
The impact of measurements made at HERA, present and future, on the physics of the LHC is potentially large. However, this potential is currently not as well explored as e.g. the more obvious connection between the Tevatron and the LHC.
The most obvious area of impact is in the determination of proton structure from very low to very high x, which is measured precisely at HERA. Others topics include QCD production of heavy flavors and the study of multi-jet final states, energy flows and structure of underlying events. A unique feature of HERA is the photon, which, depending upon its virtuality, can be hadronic or point-like, enabling to effectively turn on and off the internal structure of one of the beam particles. Finally, the area of diffractive and forward physics, where HERA data have made a large impact in the last decade, is of growing interest to LHC experimentalists as a window on high density and low x QCD and as a search channel for new physics.
To identify and prioritize those measurements to be made at HERA which have an impact on the physics reach of the LHC.
To encourage and stimulate transfer of knowledge between the HERA and LHC communities and establish an ongoing interaction.
To encourage and stimulate theory and phenomenological efforts related to the above goals.
To examine and improve theoretical and experimental tools related to the above goals.
To increase the quantitative understanding of the implication of HERA measurements on LHC physics.
parton luminosities and precision cross section measurements at LHC;
strange, charm and bottom quark distributions; treatment of heavy
quark thresholds; higher order corrections and pdf fits; resummation
at small and large x and its inclusion in pdf fits; new methods for
the determination of pdf errors; unintegrated pdfs
Theory: S. Forte (Milan U.) , S. Moch (DESY, Zeuthen)
Exp: M. Dittmar (CMS), A. Glazov (H1)
Contactpersons: M. Botje
Multi-jet final states and energy flows
Underlying event and minimum bias, Rapidity gaps and survival
probabilities, Multi-jet topologies and multi-scale QCD, Parton
shower/ME matching
Theory: L. Lönnblad (Lund), G. Zanderighi (CERN)
Exp: E. Rodrigues (LHCb), C. Gwenlan (ZEUS)
Contactpersons: S. Banerjee,
Ch. Risler, D. Traynor
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty)
production cross sections, fragmentation, charm and beauty in the
proton distributions.
Theory: M Cacciari (IN2P3), H. Spiesberger
(Mainz U)
Exp: A. Dainese
(ALICE), A. Geiser (ZEUS)
Contactpersons: K. Lipka, Ulrich
Diffractive pdfs and (non)factorization, Rapidity gaps and physics with
forward proton tagging, Forward physics and low-x dynamics, Heavy Ions
and high density QCD
Theory: M. Diehl (DESY), V. Khoze
Exp: M. Arneodo
(CMS), P. Newman (H1)
Contactpersons: A. Bruni, B. Cox, R. Orava
General Monte Carlos (Pythia, Herwig, Phojet), New Monte Carlos with kt
factorisation, NLO calculation (MC@NLO, NLOLIB...), MC Validiation
tuning (JetWeb, HZTOOL)
Theory: F. Krauss (Dresden),
S. Gieseke
Exp: Paolo Bartalini (CMS), Th. Kluge (DESY)
Contactperson: S. Chekanov, P. Robbe
The HERA -
LHC workshops will be held yearly, the meeting 2007 is at DESY, the
meeting 2008 is at CERN.
We will have proceedings, with a summary report from each working group and individual contributions. The proceedings will be printed and published electronically.