The EPJPSI Monte Carlo for J/psi mesons in high energy gamma-p, e-p, p-p_bar and p-p collisions

 EPJPSI  is a program to simulate elastic and inelastic vector meson production in photo production and deep inelastic scattering.  

Tabular Summary:
program name EPJPSI
version 3.3
date of last change Jan. 1998
author Hannes Jung ( 
program size ~ 10000 lines of code
input files needed altsti.dat
computer types any with standard Fortran 77, tested on SGI, HP, SUN, PC 
hard sub processes included gamma g -> J/psi g
gamma pomeron -> J/psi
gamma pomeron -> J/psi X
gamma g -> b b_bar (-> J/psi X)
gamma g -> c c_bar J/psi
g g -> J/psi gamma
g g -> J/psi g
g g -> J/psi J/psi 
q q_bar -> J/psi J/psi
g g -> chi (-> J/psi gamma) g
q g -> chi (-> J/psi gamma) q
fragmentation model LUND string 
QCD cascade initial and final state parton shower
QED radiation none
other programs called JETSET 7.4 
DIVON 4  (CERN Library) 

Name: Hannes Jung
in Hamburg:
Office: Lab 1, 222d
Phone: ++49-(0)40 8998 3741