A View from Hamburg


The organizers would like to invite to a CMS workshop on tracker alignment. The two-day workshop is devoted to discuss in-depth all aspects relevant for aligning the CMS tracker. Among others the topics to be discussed are
In addition to presentations on these topics, sufficient time is foreseen for discussions.


The workshop will be held Tue 29-May - Wed 30-May at University of Hamburg / DESY (Hamburg, Germany). Please see the map below for the precise location. Information on how to reach DESY can be found at


A taxi ride from the airport to DESY costs about 25 EUR. The taxi ride takes about 30-50 minutes depending on the traffic. The public transport (bus / S train / bus) ticket costs 2.50 EUR and the ride takes about 1 hour.

As usual, it is advised to make your travel arrangements as soon as possible. Direct flights from Geneva to Hamburg are operated by EasyJet and Lufthansa.

The workshop will take place in the auditorium in bld. 61  (entrance near end of left corridor on ground floor). Its precise location is indicated on the maps at the end of this page. From the DESY side entrance, walk straight the short distance to building 61 which appears on the right side. While the gate is open for cars only 6:00-19:00 on normal working days, pedestrians can use it at all times (press the bell-button).

If you enter DESY by the main gate (Notkestr.), turn full right at the circle, and a few metres further turn right again (signposted "Univ. Institute", see also map below).


Please register per email to Rainer.Mankel@desy.de. The subject should contain the text "CMS Alignment Workshop registration". We kindly ask participants to register as early as possible, so that we can plan accordingly.

You can click here for the present list of registered participants.


Regarding accomodation, we have pre-booked 30 single rooms in the Novotel which is right next to DESY.  The (special) rate for these rooms is 84 EUR incl. breakfast.  Participants interested to book a room should contact the hotel directly under

Novotel Hamburg Arena, Albert Einstein Ring 2, 22761 Hamburg.
Tel: +49-40-899520   Fax: +49-40-89952333  Mail: H1659@accor-hotels.com

and refer to room contingent code word "CMS" reserved by DESY. This pre-booking will expire on 19-May-2007.

To reach the workshop auditorium from the Novotel, turn left on the sidewalk of the main street (Luruper Chaussee) and walk one block to the DESY side entrance. Enter the DESY site and walk straight the short distance to building 61 which appears on the right side (see map at end of this page). The grey building has a clear label "61" at the foremost corner.

When going directly from the airport to the Novotel hotel by public transport, follow the information how to get to DESY, but instead of proceeding to the DESY main gate (bus stop "Zum Hünengrab/DESY"), leave the Metrobus 1 already two stops earlier (bus stop "Trabrennbahn"). The Novotel is then only 2 blocks away on the "Luruper Chaussee" in Northwestern direction, on the left side of the street.


Please click here for the final agenda for the workshop

WLAN access

Building 61 is equipped with wireless network. You should be able to connect your notebook to the "DESY guest network" (network name: "ANY"). Registration of your WLAN card is not necessary. Encryption should be switched off. Please click the following link for a map of WLAN hot spots at DESY.

If you would like to connect to the WLAN on Monday (which is a bank holiday), suitable places at DESY (map) are
Also the DESY canteen, bistro & guest houses have WLAN.

Remote participation

Since the vast majority of the tracker alignment community has already registered & will be on site, and the auditorium that we will use for the workshop is not equipped with a video system, we do currently not foresee  to broadcast the workshop. This is also due to the fact that the DESY infrastructure is quite loaded by the huge ILC workshop taking place in the same week. Should there still be an urgent need for remote participation for some reason, please let us know by 18-May. The workshop program with the slides will appear under Indico.

A lively week

The month of May is very busy with events, and in particular during the week of the CMS Alignment Workshop, DESY is hosting the ILC workshop. More than 700 participants are expected to come for this event, and the DESY campus will be swarming with visitors. While this is a very happy occasion for the lab, we should be prepared that things may be a little bit crowded in places (e.g. in the canteen).

Lunch breaks

Since the DESY canteen will be safely overloaded with the visitors of the Linear Collider workshop, we recommend to have lunch at the business lounge instead, which is a company-owned canteen just a few steps from the DESY side entrance away (right in the middle between the DESY side gate & the Novotel, address: Albert-Einstein-Ring 8-10, 22761 Hamburg ). Prices for meals range typically around 7-12 EUR. We have reserved tables for the workshop participants.

Visit to ZEUS experiment

In response to numerous wishes to see an active experiment at DESY, we have arranged for a possibility for those interested to visit to the ZEUSdetector at HERA, which is located near the horse track ("Trabrennbahn"), within walking distance from the workshop location and the Novotel. This visit will take place on Tuesday late afternoon (29-May) between the end of the meeting program and the workshop dinner, and last about 1 hour. We will take count of those interested to participate in the visit during the morning session, and have arranged for access cards and dosimeters for all workshop participants.

Workshop dinner

For the evening of 29-May, we have reserved dinner tables at the "Stadtcafe Ottensen" (Behringstraße 42 - 44, 22763 Hamburg, Telefon 040 - 39 90 36 03,  http://www.stadtcafe.com/index.html)  which is a characteristic restaurant right in the middle of the "Kiez" of Ottensen, i.e. in one of the lively scene quarters where Hamburg people go when they go out (thanks to Gero for organizing this). Please click here for an interactive map. (Dinner price is not covered by the organizers.) There is a direct bus connection by the "Metrobus 1" line between the bus stops at the DESY main entrance ("Hünengrab/DESY") and near the hotel ("Trabrennbahn") and the bus stop near the restaurant ("Kreuzkirche")  at 10 minute intervals, which takes about 15 minutes. We will distribute a flyer with a detailed map during the meeting on Tuesday.

Looking forward to see you in Hamburg!

The Organizing Committee

Oliver Buchmueller
Didier Contardo
Gero Flucke
Fabrizio Palla
Rainer Mankel
Frank-Peter Schilling
Martin Weber

Map of DESY Campus
Bld. 61

25-May-2007  R. Mankel