First ideas: 1981.
PEAS workshop: 1982.
Spin rotator designs: Buon and Steffen, and Barber et al. 1982---1985
===> dipole variable energy and geometry ``Mini Rotators'' chosen.
1985: Spin matching for 4 pairs of rotators with a civilised optic
demonstrated (Barber).
``Transverse'' (West area) polarimeter designed and installed: 1988---1991.
First measurements 1991: about 8 percent vertical polarisation.
Better ring alignment and ``harmonic bumps'' 1992: over 60 percent.
Winter shutdown 1993---1994: installed one pair of rotators for HERMES
in the East.
May 1994: first run with a pair of rotators: immediate
1994 --- September 2000: routinely running with over 50 percent
even with high proton current making beam--beam interaction in N and S.
1996: ``Longitudinal'' (East area) polarimeter designed and installed.
Then ~Nov. 1996: high proton currents ===> first indications of
beam--beam effect on electron/positron polarisation.
September 2000 --- summer 2001: modifications for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade.
February 2003: first run with 3 pairs of rotators (N, S,,E) and
the upgraded interaction regions and optic.
50 percent attained with the
uncompensated detector solenoids switched on and with luminosity.
July 2008:
HERA was switched off.