Dynamics of polarized beams: mostly Postscript
We have been studying the changes needed to HERA and the
pre-accelerators in order to accelerate and then store polarized
protons at high energy. Our main tool is the spin-orbit dynamics
program SPRINT, which was developed in order to allow us to calculate
the equilibrium polarization distribution across phase space at high
energy. This distribution determines the maximum obtainable proton
polarization in a storage ring. SPRINT is based on the Stroboscopic
Averaging technique for computing invariant subspaces of the coupled
spin and orbit dynamics.
- Polarised Protons in HERA
D.P. Barber, G.H. Hoffstaetter and M. Vogt, Proceedings of EPAC2002, Paris, France (June 2002)
- Bounds on the Maximum Attainable Equilibrium Spin Polarization of Protons at High Energy in HERA
Mathias Vogt, Doctorate Thesis, University of Hamburg, Report DESY-THESIS-2000-054 (2000)
- Aspects of the Invariant Spin Field for High Energy Polarized Proton Beams
G. H. Hoffstaetter, Habilitation Thesis, Darmstadt University of Technology (January 2000)
- Using the amplitude dependent spin tune to study high order spin-orbit resonances in storage rings
D. P. Barber, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, Proceedings of 14th International Spin Physics Symposium SPIN2000, Osaka, Japan (2000)
- Proton and electron polarisation in storage rings: some basic concepts
D. P. Barber, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Physics with a Polarized-Electron Light-ion Collider (EPIC), MIT (MA/USA) (2000)
- Higher-order effects in polarized proton dynamics
G. H. Hoffstaetter, M. Vogt, and D. P. Barber,
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, Volume 2, Number 11 (November 1999)
- Siberian Snakes and spin rotators in the acceleration and storage of high energy spin polarized beams
D. P. Barber, Proceedings: PANIC99, Uppsala, Sweden (1999)
- Polarized protons in HERA
G. H. Hoffstaetter, Proceedings of NUCLEON99, INFN Frascati (1999)
- Polarized protons at HERA: the accelerator issues
G. H. Hoffstaetter, Proceedings of the Workshop on Polarized Protons at High Energies, DESY (1999)
- Numerical and theoretical spin stability studies for HERA-p
D. P. Barber, G. H. Hoffstaetter and M. Vogt, Proceedings of the Workshop on Polarized Protons at High Energies, DESY (1999)
- Red, blue, and green electrons
D. P. Barber, Proceedings of the Workshop on Polarized Protons at High Energies, DESY (1999)
- Siberian Snakes and spin rotators for the HERA proton ring
D. P. Barber, V. Ptitsin, Yu.M. Shatunov, Proceedings of the Workshop on Polarized Protons at High Energies, DESY (1999)
- Nonlinear spin transfer maps
C. Weissbaecker and G. H. Hoffstaetter, Proceedings of the Workshop on Polarized Protons at High Energies, DESY (1999)
- Siberian Snakes and spin rotators in the acceleration and storage of high energy spin polarized beams
D. P. Barber, Proceedings of PANIC99, Uppsale, Sweden (1999)
- Radiative polarization, computer algorithms and spin matching in electron storage rings
D. P. Barber and G. Ripken, Contribution to the Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering, Eds. A. W. Chao and M. Tigner, World Scientific, and Report DESY 99-095 (1999)
- Spin motion at high energy in HERA-p
D. P. Barber, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, In UM-HE-99-05 University of Michigan (1999)
- Snake matching
G. H. Hoffstaetter, In UM-HE-99-05 University of Michigan (1999)
- Acceleration of Polarized Protons to 920 GeV at HERA
The SPIN Collaboration and the DESY Polarization Team, UM-HE-99-05 University of Michigan (1999)
- The amplitude dependent spin tune and the invariant spin field in high energy proton accelerators
D. P. Barber, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, Proceedings SPIN98, Protvino (1998)
- Spin transport, spin diffusion and Bloch equations in electron storage rings
K. Heinemann and D. P. Barber, Proceedings Nonlinear problems in charged beam transport in linear and recirculating accelerators, Frascati, and DESY-98-145 (1998) and Nucl. Inst. Meth. A463, p.62 and A469, p.294 (2001).
- The amplitude dependent spin tune and the invariant spin field in high energy proton accelerators
D. P. Barber, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, Proceedings of EPAC98 (1998)
- Introduction to the invariant spin field and update on simulations with polarized protons at HERA-p
M. Vogt, D. P. Barber, and G. H. Hoffstaetter, HERA annual report (1998)
- Studies of the behavior of proton spin motion in HERA-p at high energies. 2) Acceleration of polarized protons in HERA
V. Balandin, N. Golubeva, D. P. Barber, DESY-M-98-03 (1998)
- Electron and proton spin polarisation in storage rings - an introduction
D. P. Barber, ICFA Proceedings Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics (1998)
- The permissible equilibrium polarization distribution in a stored proton beam
D. P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, ICFA Proceedings Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics (1998)
- The semiclassical Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation and the derivation of the Bloch equation for spin-1/2 polarised beams using Wigner functions
K. Heinemann, D. P. Barber, ICFA Proceedings Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics (1998)
- Higher-order effects in polarized proton dynamics
G. H. Hoffstaetter, M. Vogt, and D. P. Barber, DESY-97-161 (1997)
- Polarized protons in HERA - the status
D. P. Barber, M. Vogt, and G. H. Hoffstaetter, in DESY 97-200 (1997) and DESY-Proceedings-1998-01 (1998)
- Polarized protons in HERA
G. H. Hoffstaetter, Proceedings of SPIN96, Amsterdam (1996)
- Calculations of the equilibrium spin distribution for protons at high energy in HERA
D. P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, Proceedings of SPIN96, Amsterdam (1996)
- Stroboscopic averaging for computing the equilibrium spin direction in storage rings
K. Heinemann and G. H. Hoffstaetter (1996) unpublished
- Differential Algebra for the Computation of Polarization Dynamics
G. H. Hoffstaetter (1996) unpublished
- Differential Algebra for theComputation of Polarization Dynamics
G. H. Hoffstaetter, unpublished (1998)(pdf)
- Polarized protons in HERA
D. P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, in Future Physics at HERA, Volume 2, DESY (1996)
- The polarization at high energy in HERA
D. P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, DESY HERA 96-07 and in UM-HE-96-20 (1996)
- Acceleration of Polarized Protons to 820 GeV at HERA
The SPIN Collaboration and the DESY Polarization Team, UM HE 96-20 (1996), (without figures)
- Tracking algorithm for the stable spin polarization field in storage rings using stroboscopic averaging
K. Heinemann and G. H. Hoffstaetter, Phys. Rev. E 54, 4 (Nov. 1996) and
DESY 96-078 (1996)
- The phase space dependent spin polarization direction in the HERA proton ring at high energy
D. P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. H. Hoffstaetter, and M. Vogt, DESY-M-96-14 and Proceedings EPAC96 (1996)
- Studies of the behavior of proton spin motion in HERA-p at high energies
V. Balandin, N. Golubeva, and D. P. Barber, DESY-M-96-04 (1996)
- Polarized protons in HERA
G. H. Hoffstaetter, in DESY HERA Report 96-05 (1996)
- Longitudinal electron polarization at HERA and prospects for proton polarization at very high energy
D. P. Barber, Proceedings Trends in collider spin physics, Trieste (1995)
- Possibilities for polarized protons at HERA
D. P. Barber, Proceedings SPIN95, Protvino (1995)
- Possibilities for Polarized Protons at HERA
D. P. Barber, Proceedings of Prospects of SPIN PHYSICS at HERA, DESY 95-200 (1995)
- Prospects for polarized protons at HERA
D. P. Barber, Proceedings The spin structure of the nucleon, Erice (1995)
- Notes on spin dynamics in storage rings
D. P. Barber, K. Heinemann, and G. Ripken, Report: DESY-M-92-04 (1992), [revised version from Sep.1999]