
Future options for HERA

Report on the future of HERA in Physics Today, September 2003

First HERA-III Workshop: The New Frontier in Precision Lepton-Nucleon Physics

Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany, December 2002.

Transparencies of talk: D. P. Barber, ``Polarised high energy beams''.

This is an update of my talk: ``Polarised protons and deuterons in HERA'' at:

IPPP Workshop on Future Physics at HERA

Durham University, UK, December 2001.

For transparencies of my talk: ``Polarised protons and deuterons in HERA'' see above.

Workshop summary by T. Greenshaw and M. Klein.

``Proton Polarization in HERA'', D. P. Barber et al. (2001).

``Polarised Protons in HERA'',
      D.P. Barber, G.H. Hoffstaetter, M. Vogt, EPAC-2002, Paris, June 2002.