CMS Pixel Upgrade Technical Design Report (Sep 2012)
Simon Spannagel: Test Beam Campaigns for the CMS Phase I Upgrade Pixel Readout Chip CR PSD10 2014
Stefan Mättig: Status of the CMS Phase 1 Pixel Upgrade CR TIPP 2014
Marco Rossini: Readout chip for the CMS pixel detector upgrade NIM A 2014
Hanno Perrey: CMS Pixel detector upgrade plans Proc of Sci (Vertex 2013) 014
J.A. Gray: The CMS Phase-1 pixel detector JINST 8 (2013) C12047
L. Feld et al.: DC-DC powering for the CMS pixel upgrade NIM A732 (2013) 493-496
C. Nägeli, R. Horisberger: Impact of pixel size and shape on physics analyses NIM A731 (2013) 194-197
H.C. Kästli: Frontend electronics development for the CMS pixel detector upgrade NIM A731 (2013) 88-91
Ozhan Koybasi et al.: Assembly and qualification procedures of CMS forward pixel detector modules NIM A638 (2011) 55-62
Carlotta Favaro: A new CMS pixel detector for the LHC luminosity upgrade NIM A658 (2011) 41-45
Alice Bean: Plans for an upgraded CMS pixel detector NIM A650 (2011) 41-44
Lutz Feld et al.: CO2 cooling for the CMS tracker at SLHC JINST 6 (2011) C01091
Tilman Rohe et al.: Radiation hardness of CMS pixel barrel modules NIM A624 (2010) 414-8
Hans Christian Kästli: CMS pixel upgrade project, at Vertex2010 arXiv:1101.5977
Maria Aldaya: The upgrade of the CMS pixel detector for LHC Phase 1, at PIC 2010 CERN-CMS-CR-2010-245
Alice Bean: The CMS pixel detector and challenges (prospectives) for its upgrade NIM A624 (2010) 286-289
A. Todri et al.: Reliability and performance studies of DC-DC conversion powering scheme for the CMS pixel tracker at SLHC JINST 5 (2010) C12010
M. Friedl et al.: The phase 1 upgrade of the CMS Pixel Front-End Driver JINST 5 (2010) C12054
T. Rohe et al.: Radiation hardness of CMS pixel barrel modules arXiv physics.ins-det [physics.ins-det] Jan 2010
Tilman Rohe: Signal height in silicon pixel detectors irradiated with pions and protons NIM A612 (2010)493-6
Wolfram Erdmann et al.: Upgrade plans for the CMS pixel barrel detector NIM A617 (2010)534-7
Hans Christian Kästli: A low mass pixel detector upgrade for CMS, at RD09 arXiv:1001.3933v1 [physics.ins-det] Jan 2010
Valeria Radicci: CMS pixel detector upgrade JINST 4 (2009) P03022
Stefan Koenig: Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector PoS(VERTEX 2009)035
Danek Kotlinski: Status of the CMS pixel detector JINST 4 (2009) P03019
Lea Caminada and A. Starodumov: Building and commissioning of the CMS pixel barrel detector JINST 4 (2009) P03017
Christian Veelken: The control systems of the CMS Pixel detector JINST 4 (2009) P04008
G.B. Cerati et al.: Radiation tolerance of the CMS forward pixel detector NIM A600(2009)408-16
S. Chatrchyan et al.: The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC JINST 3 (2008) S08004
Marco Battaglia et al.: Tracking and vertexing with a thin CMOS pixel beam telescope NIM A593(2008)292-7
Y. Allkofer et al.: Design and performance of the silicon sensors for the CMS barrel pixel detector NIM A584(2008)25-41
H.Chr. Kästli et al.: CMS barrel pixel detector overview NIM A582(2007)724-7
S. König et al.: Building CMS pixel barrel detector modules NIM A582(2007)776-80
Petra Merkel: Experience with mass production bump bonding with outside vendors in the CMS FPIX project NIM A582(2007)771-5
Aaron Dominguez: The CMS pixel detector (VCI 2007) NIM A581(2007)343-6
Sudhir Malik: Module testing for the CMS Forward Pixel detector NIM A572(2007)85-6
Sudhir Malik: The CMS Forward Pixel Detector NIM A572(2007)87-9
R. Horisberger et al.: Performance of the CMS pixel detector at an upgraded LHC NIM A568(2006)289-93
V. Chiochia et al.: A double junction model of irradiated silicon pixel sensors for LHC NIM A568(2006)51-5
M. Swartz et al.: Observation, modeling, and temperature dependence of doubly peaked electric fields in irradiated silicon pixel sensors NIM A565(2006)212-20
H.Chr. Kästli et al.: Design and performance of the CMS pixel detector readout chip NIM A565(2006)188-94
Ch. Broennimann et al.: Development of an Indium bump bond process for silicon pixel detectors at PSI NIM A565(2006)303-8
A. Starodumov et al.: Qualification procedures of the CMS pixel barrel modules NIM A565(2006)67-72
D. Kotlinski et al.: The control and readout systems of the CMS pixel barrel detector NIM A565(2006)73-8
A. Dorokhov et al.: Extraction of electric field in heavily irradiated silicon pixel sensors NIM A560(2006)112-7
T. Rohe et al.: Fluence dependence of charge collection of irradiated pixel sensors NIM A552(2005)232-8
W. Erdmann: The 0.25 μm front-end for the CMS pixel detector NIM A549(2005)153-6
W. Adam et al.: The effect of highly ionising particles on the CMS silicon strip tracker NIM A543(2005)463-82
T. Rohe et al.: Position dependence of charge collection in prototype sensors for the CMS pixel detector IEEE NS 51(2004)1150-7
A. Dorokhov et al.: Tests of silicon sensors for the CMS pixel detector NIM A530(2004)71-6
G. Bolla et al.: Wire-bond failures induced by resonant vibrations in the CDF silicon detector NIM A518(2004)277-80
M. Barbero et al.: Design and test of the CMS pixel readout chip (DMILL PSI 43) NIM A517(2004)349-59
Kirk Arndt et al.: Silicon sensors development for the CMS pixel system NIM A511(2003)106-11
G. Bolla et al.: Irradiation studies of silicon pixel detectors for CMS NIM A501(2003)160-3
G. Bolla et al.: Sensor development for the CMS pixel detector NIM A485(2002)89-99
D. Kotlinski: The design of the CMS pixel detector system NIM A477(2002)446-50
S. Cihangir and S. Kwan: Characterization of indium and solder bump bonding for pixel detectors NIM A476(2002)670-5
G. Bolla et al.: Design and test of pixel sensors for the CMS experiment NIM A461(2001)182-4
Armin Burgmeier: thesis 2014
W. Erdmann: The CMS pixel detector, 2009
C. Amsler et al.: Mechanical Design and Material Budget of the CMS Barrel Pixel Detector CMS note 2009/006
Lea Caminada: Study of the inclusive beauty production at CMS and construction and commissioning of the CMS pixel barrel detector Diss ETH 2010
Christina Eggel: CMS pixel module qualification and Diss ETH 2009
Sarah Dambach: CMS pixel module readout optimization and Diss ETH 2009
P. Trüb: CMS pixel module qualification and Monte-Carlo study of H -> tau tau Diss ETHZ 2008
PSI46 pixel readout chip External Specification
Daniel Pitzl: Pixel beam test results at the Grindelwald CMS pixel upgrade workshop Aug 2012
Daniel Pitzl: Test beam tracking tutorial, Apr 2012
Daniel Pitzl: CMS Pixel upgrade DESY Zeuthen Technisches Seminar, Nov 2011
Daniel Pitzl: Detectors for LHC at Hamburg LEXI cluster meeting, Oct 2011
Daniel Pitzl: CMS Pixel upgrade at the DESY Joint Instrumentation Seminar, Sep 2011
Jan Olzem: Performance of the CMS Pixel detector for the Phase I upgrade at LHC at PS D9, Sep 2011
Frank Hartmann: Radiation effects in CMS, ATLAS, LHCb silicon at Vertex20, June 2011
Wilhelm Bertl: CMS Pixel upgrade at Vertex20, June 2011
Andrey Starodumov: CMS Pixel at Vertex20, June 2011
Daniel Pitzl: CMS Pixel upgrade at 4th Helmholtz Allianz Detector workshop, Mar 2011
Georg Steinbrück: Pixel Upgrade for Phase I at Aachen FSP CMS workshop Sep 2010
Hans Christian Kästli: A low mass pixel detector upgrade for CMS at RD09
Stefan Koenig: CMS pixel upgrade at Vertex 2009
Beat Meier: Pixel Front-end development for CMS Vertex 2009
Bi-weekly CMS tracker upgrade meeting at DESY (protected)
German pixel upgrade meeting (protected)
ACES 2011 - Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for SLHC, Mar 9-11, 2011 Indico
Pixel Upgrade on Wed of the Tracker week Feb 2011 Indico
Pixel 2010
Indico agenda
Alice Bean: CMS Pixel upgrade
Tilman Rohe: Sensors
Tracker Upgrade in the Tracker week Feb 2010 Indico
Tracker Upgrade steering in the CMS week Dec 2009 Indico
CMS Upgrade workshop at Fermilab, Oct 2009 Indico
Pixel Replacement/Upgrade Discussion Meeting, Oct 2008 Indico
CMS Pixel Group Preparatory Workshop on Future Upgrade. Oct 2006 Indico
Phase I Upgrade CMS Pixel Detector by Wolfram Erdmann at PSI
CMS Pixel Barrel Upgrade TWiki at CERN
DESY CMS Tracker Upgrade (protected)
CMS Pixel Detector by Danek Kotlinski at PSI
Forward Pixel Detector by Ed Bartz at Rutgers (TBM)
CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik in Erfurt: silicon sensors, pixel sensor
IZM Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration: bump bonding
PacTech company: solder ball bonds
Dectris company: pixel detectors for X-rays
HighTec MC company: HDI flex print
Dyconex Kapton cables
Femto fine placer from Finetech for flip chip bonding
Suess company: semiautomatic prober PA300
FTDI test board USB interface driver
DESY beam test with DESY bump bonded analog ROCs, Sep/Oct 2013
ETH DESY beam test with irradiated analog ROCs, Mar and Jun 2013: overview, run list, notes
FPIX DESY beam test with several sensor designs, analog ROCs, Jan 2013
Sara Strandberg: Results from the commissioning of the ATLAS Pixel detector JINST 4(2009)P03020
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres: Post-installation status of the ATLAS pixel detector JINST 4(2009)P03021
Heather M Gray: Alignment of the ATLAS inner detector tracking system JINST 4(2009)P03018
M. Barbero et al.: A new ATLAS pixel front-end IC for upgraded LHC luminosity NIM A604(2009)397-9
Tobias Golling: Commissioning of the ATLAS pixel detector NIM A604(2009)293-6
G Aad et al.: ATLAS pixel detector electronics and sensors JINST 3(2008)P07007 (80 pages)
Simone Coelli: Mechanics and infrastructure for the ATLAS Pixel Detector Nucl Phys B Proc Supp 172(2007)280-3
G. Kramberger et al.: Impact of annealing of trapping times on charge collection in irradiated silicon detector NIM A579(2007)762-5
Reiner Klingenberg: The ATLAS pixel detector NIM A579(2007)664-8
Jörn Grosse-Knetter: The ATLAS pixel detector NIM A568(2006)252-7
A. Andreazza: Test beam performance of the ATLAS Pixel Detector modules NIM A565(2006)23-9
A. Andreazza et al.: Effect of accidental beam losses on the ATLAS pixel detector NIM A565(2006)50-4
Jörn Grosse-Knetter et al.: Experiences with module-production and system tests for the ATLAS Pixel Detector NIM A565(2006)79-84
G. Alimonti: Analysis of the production of ATLAS indium bonded pixel modules NIM A565(2006)296-302
T. Fritzsch et al.: Experience in fabrication of multichip-modules for the ATLAS pixel detector NIM A565(2006)309-13
Claudia Gemme: Production of the ATLAS pixel detector modules NIM A560(2006)71-4
Guido Gagliardi: The ATLAS Pixel Detector: A hundred million channels vertex detector for LHC NIM A546(2005)67-71
A. Airoldi: A chip removal facility for indium bump bonded pixel detectors NIM A540(2005)259-65
A. Andreazza: Developments of the ATLAS pixel detector NIM A535(2004)357-61
Daniel Adam Dobos: Production accompanying testing of the ATLAS pixel module PhD Dortmund 2004
Tobias Stockmanns: Multi-chip module development for the ATLAS pixel detector PhD Bonn 2004
C. Gemme: The ATLAS pixel detector NIM A501(2003)87-92
G. Alimonti: Reworking of indium bump bonded pixel detectors Pixel 2002 paper and slides
Václav Vrba: The ATLAS pixel detector NIM A465(2001)27-33
C. Gemme et al.: Study of indium bumps for the ATLAS pixel detector NIM A465(2001)200-3
T. Rohe: Design and test of pixel sensors for the ATLAS pixel detector NIM A460(2001)55-66
Ingrid-Maria Gregor: Optical links for the ATLAS Pixel Detector PhD Bonn 2001
Damon Fasching: The ATLAS pixel detector NIM A408(1998)229-34