TESLA Dog-bone Damping Ring
Some Papers Describing the Choice of Parameters
High Luminosity with TESLA-500 R. Brinkmann, DESY-TESLA-97-13
Linear Collider Projects at DESY R. Brinkmann, EPAC98
New Dog-bone Damping Ring Lattice W. Decking, 14.06.99
TESLA Conceptual Design Report DESY 1997-048, ECFA 1997-182
TESLA Damping Ring Lattice Update Talk given at TTF Collaboration Meeting,
7-9 July 1999
Update on the Damping Ring Design Talk given at TESLA TDR Meeting,
3-9 February 2000
TDR Damping Ring Chapter
Optical Layout of the TESLA 5 GeV Damping Ring W. Decking, TESLA 2001-11
The TESLA Damping Ring Snowmass, 2001
Charge Effects in the TESLA Damping Ring Snowmass, 2001
Technical Layout
Technical Layout of the TESLA Damping Ring C. Sanelli et.al., LNF-01-003(NT), 2001
Technical Layout of the TESLA Damping Ring - Individual Chapters
Drawings TESLA Damping Ring INFN - ANSALDO, 2001
Some Papers Describing Details
Space Charge Problems in the TESLA Damping Ring , W. Decking, EPAC00
Small horizontal emittance in the TESLA damping ring , W. Decking,
contribution to gg2000
Basic Timing Requirements for TESLA , W. Kriens, TESLA 2001-10
Simulation of the Fast Beam-Ion
Instability in the TESLA Electron
Damping Ring , C. Montag, TESLA 2000-16
Tracking studies in the longitudinal phase space for the TESLA Damping Ring Design ,
C. Burnton, TESLA 1998-15
Simulations of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Storage Rings ,
C. Burnton, Thesis 2001
Comparison of Emittance Tuning Simulations in the NLC and TESLA Damping Rings , A. Wolski, W. Decking, LCC-0108, TESLA 2002-10, CBP Tech Note-268
Alignment Stability Models for Damping Rings , A. Wolski, W. Decking, LCC-0109, TESLA 2002-11, CBP Tech Note-269
Klystron Strayfield Influence , W. Decking, Talk at TESLA collaboration meeting,
DESY 2003
Damping Ring Layout in the HERA Tunnel , W. Decking, Talk at TESLA collaboration meeting,
DESY 2003
TESLA Damping Ring: Injection/Extraction Schemes with RF Deflectors , D. Alesini, Talk at
TESLA collaboration meeting, Frascati 2003
TESLA Damping Ring: RF Deflectors Design , F. Marcellini, Talk at
TESLA collaboration meeting, Frascati 2003
Emittance Control in the TESLA Damping Ring , W. Decking, ELAN-Document-2004-012
MAD Decks of TESLA Dog-bone Damping Ring Lattices
Version 1.1 (CDR) 3.2 GeV, from Conceptual Design Report
Version 6.4.1.rot 5.0 GeV, hard-edge wiggler model
line = ring : dogbone with no phase space rotator
line = ring_rot : dogbone with phase space rotator
line = shortring : 4.0 km ring with dogbone arcs and reduced wiggler
Permanent Magnet Damping Wiggler
Talk by M. Tischer on
permanent magnet damping wiggler
A Permanent Magnet Wiggler Desing for the TESLA Damping Ring M. Tischer, J. Pflueger, W. Decking, TESLA 2000-20
TESLA Damping Wiggler - Improved field roll-off ,
M. Tischer, 01/2002
Wiggler Field Map 40 mm pole
Wiggler Field Map 60 mm pole
Wiggler Options for TESLA Damping Ring , R. Brinkmann, J. Pflueger, V. Shiltsev, N.Vinokurov, P. Vobly, TESLA 1995-24
Alternative Schemes
Alternative TESLA Damping Ring Injection/Extraction
Scheme, J. Rogers, Talk given at DESY, 3/2004
Links to other TESLA resources
The TESLA TDR homepage
Links to other Damping Ring Designers (not complete)
CERN SL/AP CLIC Damping Ring Working Group
Andy Wolskis (LBL) NLC Damping Ring Page
NLC Technical Design Page
JLC home page
DAFNE Accelerator Physics Group at INFN
Winfried Decking
Last modified: Wed Nov 3 15:16:38 MET 2004