URL: https://www.desy.de/about_desy/lead_scientists/elisabetta_gallo/index_eng.html
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Elisabetta Gallo
CMS experiment at LHC
Elisabetta Gallo is professor at the University of Hamburg and leading scientist at DESY, working in the field of particle physics. She has worked at the LEP storage ring, at the HERA ep collider at DESY and now she is a member of the CMS Collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider. Presently she and her group are working on standard model measurements at CMS, in particular measurements on Higgs boson production. Her group also participates in the detector operations and in the construction of the future tracking detectors for the upgraded program of CMS.
Academic career
Since 2015 | Leading Scientist at DESY and Professor at the University of Hamburg |
2007-2014 | Senior Research at INFN Florence, Italy |
1995-2006 | Researcher of the Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Florence, Italy |
1992-1995 | Research Associate at Imperial College, London |
1992 | PhD in Physics, University of Florence |
1989 | Degree in Physics, University of Florence |
Since 2015 | Member of the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg |
2006-2014 | Member of several italian and international scientific committees |
2006-2007 | Spokesperson of the ZEUS Collaboration at DESY |
Since 2007 | European Physical Society |