URL: https://www.desy.de/about_desy/lead_scientists/hans_weise/index_eng.html
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Hans Weise
Superconducting accelerators
Hans Weise is Leading Scientist at DESY. His main focus is on the operation and development of superconducting accelerators. At present he leads the DESY effort for the European XFEL project and has also taken over the coordination of the XFEL Accelerator Consortium. This consortium is made up a number institutes of the XFEL partner countries, who mainly contribute in-kind or with staff to the construction of the XFEL, as well as DESY.
Academic career
Since 2010 | Leading Scientist at DESY, DESY Head of Project European XFEL, Coordinator XFEL Accelerator Complex |
2007-2010 | Deputy Head of Project European XFEL Accelerator Complex Coordinator European XFEL - Cold Linac |
1998-2007 | Coordinator TTF Linac /VUV-FEL Accelerator |
1998-2010 | Head of DESY group MIN (Linear Collider, sources, Kicker & Septa, FLASH operation) |
1995-1998 | Coordinator TESLA Test Facility Linac |
1993-1995 | PostDoc DESY; F-Division - TESLA Test Facility & SRF-Technology |
1987-1993 | PhD at Technical University Darmstadt |
1983-1987 | Study of Physics at Technical University Darmstadt |