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Kai Rossnagel
Spectroscopy of quantum materials
Kai Rossnagel leads the DESY group for Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials and is a professor of physics at Kiel University. Being a condensed matter and surface physicist, he is deeply fascinated by the unbelievable variety of spectacular structures, physical properties, and cooperative phenomena emerging from the pocket universes of condensed matter. His primary research goal is to understand the properties and function of materials and interfaces at the atomic level on the basis of their electronic structure and dynamics. To film the dance of the electrons, the group develops novel methods and instrumentation and exploits the fantastic X-ray radiation produced by the storage ring PETRA III as well as the free-electron lasers FLASH and European XFEL.
Academic career
Since 2017
Lead Scientist at DESY and Professor (W3) for Solid-State Research with Synchrotron Radiation at Kiel University
Visiting Scientist at the RIKEN SPring-8 Center in Japan
Research Associate, Senior Lecturer, Professor (W2) at Kiel University
Feodor Lynen Research Fellow at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley
Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Hamburg / DESY
Dr. rer. nat. (physics) at Kiel University