URL: https://www.desy.de/about_desy/lead_scientists/markus_guehr/index_eng.html
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Markus Gühr
Leading Scientist of FLASH
Markus Gühr is a lead scientist at DESY, appointed jointly with the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg. As head of the free electron laser FLASH, Markus is responsible for the world's first SASE X-ray laser, which has been working as a user facility since 2005 and whose research potential is currently being further improved with the FLASH2020+ expansion project.
Markus and the FLASH team want to make the entire complexity of nature – the interaction of nuclei and electrons in the context of quantum mechanics – visible with FLASH. His specialty is the conversion of (sun)light into other forms of energy in molecules. He wants to use FLASH to push the boundaries of what is possible and conceivable, to open up additional areas of science that can be worked on with free-electron lasers, and thus turn FLASH into a free-electron laser that will attract new users.
Academic career
Since 2022 | Lead Scientist at DESY and Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Hamburg |
2020-2022 | Associate Professor for experimental quantum physics, University of Potsdam |
2015 - 2020 | Lichtenberg Professor, University of Potsdam, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation |
2007 - 2015 | Staff Scientist at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, USA |
2006 - 2007 | Postdoc, Stanford University |
2001 - 2005 | Research assistant, Free University of Berlin |
2005 | Doctorate in Physics, Free University of Berlin |
Activities, Memberships, Awards
2017-2022 | Board Member of the ‘Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin’ |
2017-2023 | Member of the LCLS Advisory Board (Chair: 2020-2022) |
2017-2022 | Member of the LCLS proposal review panel |
2015 | Lichtenberg Professorship by Volkswagen Stiftung |
2011 | US Department of Energy Early Career Grant |
2006-2007 | Feodor Lynen Fellowship |
2005 | Best PhD thesis of the Free University Berlin 2005 (Ernst Reuter Preis) |