URL: https://www.desy.de/about_desy/organisation/foundation_council/index_eng.html
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Foundation Council
Foundation Council
DESY’s supervisory committee
The major task of the Foundation Council, DESY’s supervisory committee, is to advise and monitor the Board of Directors’ management duties. The Foundation Council is authorised to issue directives to the Board of Directors in important research-related and financial matters. It approves the annual budget and multi-year financial plans, audits the Board of Directors’ annual financial statements, the annual management report and the Centre’s progress report and decides on approving the actions of the Board. Furthermore the Foundation Council appoints the members of the Board of Directors and confirms the members of the Scientific Council.
Members of the Foundation Council and guests in June 2024 (from top to bottom and left to right)
Members of the Foundation Council
Dr. Volkmar Dietz (Chairperson)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Head of Division 71: Large Facilities and Basic Research
Dr. Rolf Greve (Deputy Chairperson)
Ministry for Science, Research, Equality and Boroughs in Hamburg
Head of Department Science and Research
Nico Abend
Ministry for Science, Research, Equality and Boroughs in Hamburg
Head of Finance Unit
Dr. Thomas Blatt
Beiersdorf AG
Principal Scientist Skin Biology
Prof.Dr. Hauke Hekeeren
President of the University of Hamburg
Dr. Arne Höll
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Head of VI C 2 "Metrology, general accreditation law, supervision of PTB, BAM and DAkkS"
Dr. Mathias Kraas
Olympus Surgical Technologies
General Manager R&D
Dr. Svenja Kruse
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Unit 712: International large research facilities; DESY, GSI
Hauke Roth
Ministry of Finance and Europe in Brandenburg
Head of Division 4: State Property, Real Estate and Construction Management
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tippe
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Steffen Weber
Ministry for Science, Research and Culture in Brandenburg
Head of Division 2: Science and Research