DESY in den Medien


DESY in den Medien


Handelskammer Hamburg: „Wir wollen Real Madrid sein, nicht RB Salzburg“
Reichweite: 235.830 - Handelskammer: „Wir wollen Real Madrid sein, nicht RB Salzburg“ Hamburg. Wirtschaftsvertretung legt neue HWWI-Studie für den Standort vor. Warum die Stadt international hinterherhinkt, was sich ändern soll. National ...

Wirtschaftliche Dynamik: Standort Hamburg: in Deutschland stark, in Europa mittelmäßig
Reichweite: 3.274.538 - Die Handelskammer Hamburg verfolgt eine Strategie mit Blick auf das Jahr 2040. Eine neue Studie untersucht, ob und wie gut die Hansestadt in diesem Sinne vorankommt. Die Bilanz fällt gemischt aus. Hamburg hat bei der wirtschaftlichen Dyna ...

E-mail from … Hamburg
18.07.2024 | Von Petra Spörk-Erdely Petra Spörk-Erdely vom Institut für Werkstoffkunde, Fügetechnik und Umformtechnik forscht für ihre Habilitation an der Außenstation des Helmholtz- Zentrums Hereon am Deutschen Elektronen- Synchrotron. ...

70 Jahre CERN : Braucht es die teure Einrichtung auch künftig noch?
Reichweite: 1.243.227 - In Genf wird die Entstehung des Universums und vieles mehr erforscht. Nach sieben Jahrzehnten stellt sich aber dir Frage, ob das CERN seinen Zenit bereits überschritten hat? Vor 70 Jahren einigten sich zwölf europäische Regierungen darauf ...

Acetyl-CoA synthetase activity is enzymatically regulated by lysine acetylation using acetyl-CoA or acetyl-phosphate as donor molecule
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract The AMP-forming acetyl-CoA synthetase is regulated by lysine acetylation both in bacteria and eukaryotes. However, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. The Bacillus subtilis acetyltransferase AcuA and the AMP-forming ac ...

A dataset of alternately located segments in protein crystal structures
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Protein Data Bank (PDB) files list the relative spatial location of atoms in a protein structure as the final output of the process of fitting and refining to experimentally determined electron density measurements. Where experim ...

Closing Kok's cycle of nature's water oxidation catalysis
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract The Mn CaO cluster in photosystem II catalyzes water splitting through the S i state cycle ( i = 0–4). Molecular O is formed and the natural catalyst is reset during the final S ? (S ) ? S transition. Only recently experime ...

Recovery of hydrogen plasma at the sub-nanosecond timescale in a plasma-wakefield accelerator
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Plasma wakefield acceleration revolutionized the field of particle accelerators by generating gigavolt-per-centimeter fields. To compete with conventional radio-frequency (RF) accelerators, plasma technology must demonstrate oper ...

AI-NERD: Elucidation of relaxation dynamics beyond equilibrium through AI-informed X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Understanding and interpreting dynamics of functional materials in situ is a grand challenge in physics and materials science due to the difficulty of experimentally probing materials at varied length and time scales. X-ray photo ...

In Situ XRD Measurement for High-Pressure Iron in Laser-Driven Off-Hugoniot State
Open Access Article by Liang Sun Liang Sun Scilit Google Scholar Hao Liu Hao Liu Scilit Google Scholar Xiaoxi Duan Xiaoxi Duan Scilit ...

European XFEL misst exotischen Materiezustand
Reichweite: 920 - Unübertroffenes Niveau bei Thomson-Streuung erreicht. Forscher am European XFEL haben eine innovative Methode entwickelt, um warme, dichte Materie mit noch nie dagewesener Genauigkeit zu untersuchen. Diese Art von Materie, die zwischen ko ...

Light-induced Meissner effect
Researchers have developed a new experiment capable of monitoring the magnetic properties of superconductors at very fast speeds. Summary: Share: Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon, which allows a material t ...

Parádní amimace kosmického drtice odpadku Pozorování více vedeckých týmu odhalilo kosmický urychlovac (video)
Reichweite: 66.226 - Parádní amimace "kosmického drtice odpadku" Pozorování více vedeckých týmu odhalilo "kosmický urychlovac cástic". Když se hvezda v souhvezdí Delfína príliš priblížila k supermasivní cerné díre v centru své do ...

European XFEL reaches unmatched level
Reichweite: 276 - Photo of the elastically scattered X-rays (bright yellow light) and the scattered ones from the plasmons (faint violet light) … in measurements of matter under extreme conditions. Researchers at European XFEL ...

Light-induced Meissner effect in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
Reichweite: 276 - Mid-infrared laser pulses coherently drive atomic modes in YBa2Cu3O6.48 and stabilize superconducting fluctuations at high temperature. This quantum coherence leads to the ultrafast expulsion of a static magnetic field (c) Sebastian Fava, Jörg M. Harms / ...

„Das hier ist Hamburgs große Chance“
Reichweite: 3.274.538 - Im Hamburger Stadtteil Bahrenfeld entsteht bis 2040 die „Science City“, in der physikalische Spitzenforschung mit einem neuen Stadtteil verzahnt werden soll. Vieles davon ist schon umgesetzt worden – zu spüren ist eine für Deutschland d ...

Experts Predict Stunning Growth for Global Electron Microscopy Market, Reaching USD 9.38 Billion by 2033
Reichweite: 329 - Precedence Research , a worldwide market research and consulting organization, published a report on, " Electron Microscopy Market: By Type; By End User; By Application - Global I ...

Light-induced Meissner effect in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
Peer-Reviewed Publication Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon, which allows a material to sustain an electrical current without any loss. This collective quantum behav ...

Light-induced Meissner effect in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon, which allows a material to sustain an electrical current without any loss. This collective quantum behavior of matter only appears in certain conductors at temperatures far below ambient. Cre ...

Light-induced Meissner effect in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon, which allows a material to sustain an electrical current without any loss. This collective quantum behavior of matter only appears in certain conductors at temperatures far below ambient. Cre ...

Light-Driven Meissner Effect in YBa2Cu3O6.48
Reichweite: 4.600 - A number of modern studies have investigated this behavior in so-called non-equilibrium states, that is in situations in which the material is pushed away from thermal equilibrium. In these conditions, it appears that at least some of the ...

European researchers reach unmatched level in measurements of matter under extreme conditions
Reichweite: 686.982 - Researchers at European XFEL have developed an innovative method to study warm dense matter with unprecedented accuracy. This kind of matter, that exists between condensed matter and plasma physics, can be found, for example, in astrophysical objects or ...

European XFEL reaches unmatched level in measurements of matter under extreme conditions
Scientific journal highlights corresponding publication as “Editor’s suggestion” Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Researchers at European XFEL have developed an innovative method to study warm dense matter wi ...

XFEL Achieves Breakthrough in Measuring Matter Under Extreme Conditions
illustration only Researchers at European XFEL have developed a new method to analyze warm dense matter with remarkable precision. This state of matter, which exists between condensed matter and plasma physics, can be found in astrophysica ...

Reichweite: 1.016 - European XFEL misst exotischen Materiezustand mit noch nie dagewesener Genauigkeit Foto der elastisch gestreuten Röntgenstrahlen (helles gelbes Licht links) und der von den Plasmonen gestreuten Strahlen (schwaches violettes Licht rechts) ...