16.11.2022 / 11:00 - 12:30 / Hamburg, CSSB Lecture hall (Bldg.15)

DESY / Online

Lecture Series on Deep Life | Upending Assumptions About Life on Earth

Sol Gruner (Cornell University, Physics Dept., Ithaca, USA)

Discoveries of prevalent microbiota in deep rock have upended assumptions about life on Earth. This Deep Life lives on residual chemical and radioactive energy sources and is a significant fraction, if not a majority, of Earth’s biomass. Deep Life raises profound questions about how and where life evolved, how it differs from surface life, the minimum requirements to sustain cells, the maximum temperatures and pressures under which organisms can remain viable, and effects of deep environmental conditions on the properties of biomacromolecules. Although physicists, biologists, chemists, geologists, etc. from around the globe are engaged in Deep Life studies, the community is still quite small and relatively unknown

Mehr Informationen: https://indico.desy.de/event/36782/