

Vorträge und Veranstaltungen bei DESY

Diese Woche « 14.04. - 20.04.2014 » Woche | Monat
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Inflation after Planck and BICEP2 | Sonderseminar
Jan Hamann (CERN) | Please note the different day and time!
16:30 Hamburg
Gebäude 2 a, Seminarraum 2
öffentliche Disputation
Constraining supersymmetric models using Higgs physics, precision observables and direct searches
Lisa Zeune
10:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Technisches Seminar
Heartbleed, die SSL-Schwachstelle
Stephan Wiesand (DESY)
15:00 Hamburg
Building 2 a, seminar room 2
Special Theory Seminar
Inflation after Planck and BICEP2
Jan Hamann (CERN)
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physics Colloquium
Chinese Dream on High Energy Circular Colliders | Special Colloquium
Hongbo Zhu (Beijing)
16:45 Hamburg
Building 2a, seminar room 2
EndoTOFPET-US: a novel multimodal tool for endoscopy and positron emission tomography
Erika Garutti (Universität Hamburg )
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physics Colloquium
Time-resolved experiments with atoms and molecules at FLASH
Robert Moshammer (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
14:15 Hamburg
Building 2 a, seminar room 2
String Theory Seminar
Dimensional reduction and black hole solutions of N = 2 supergravity
Owen Vaughan (Universität Hamburg )
15:00 Hamburg
Bldg. 99 / CFEL, Seminar rooms I - III
MPI SD Seminar
Layered organic/inorganic hybrids: Magnetism and dynamics
Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht (Dept. of Physics, University of Cologne & Optical Condensed Matter Science, University of Groningen )