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Vorträge und Veranstaltungen bei DESY
Diese Woche « 30.01. - 05.02.2012 » Woche | Monat | |||
30.01. | |||
14:30 |
Geb. 67, Seminarraum 10 |
ASTROPARTICLE PHSICS SEMINAR Cosmological Parameters from Galaxy Cluster Number Count and type IA Supernovae: Dark Energy and Universe Anisotropy Antonio Marrone (University of Bari, Italy) |
16:00 |
Geb. 61, Hörsaal |
DISPUTATION Event classification with the electronic detectors of the OPERA experiment using neural networks Martin Christoph Hierholzer |
16:30 |
Geb. 2a, Seminarraum 2 |
THEORIE SEMINAR Long-lived Stau signature at the LHC Sho Iwamoto (IPMU, Tokyo) |
31.01. | |||
15:00 |
Geb. 9, Gr. Gästespeiseraum |
KITE VORTRAG Vakuum-Pumpstände für XFEL Michael Boehnert |
01.02. | |||
14:00 |
Geb. 28c, Seminarraum |
CFEL COLLOQUIUM Mega-joule experiments on the National Ignition Facility - on the road to produce a microscopic star in the laboratory Siegfried Glenzer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA) |
02.02. | |||
14:00 |
AER19, Raum 3.11 |
EUROPEAN XFEL VORTRAG New optical parametric amplifiers for isolated attosecond pulses generation at ultra-high repetition rate Julien Nillon (Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications (CELIA), University Bordeaux, France) |
16:00 |
Geb. 1b. Seminarraum 4 |
DOIT JOB SEMINAR Naturwissenschaftler in der Risikomanagementberatung Johannes Haase (d-fine) |
16:30 |
Geb. 2a, Seminarraum 2 |
PAULI CENTER BLACKBOARD SEMINAR The nature of the perturbative cross section Sven Moch |
03.02. | |||
10:30 |
AER19, Raum 3.11 |
EUROPEAN XFEL VORTRAG Partial coherence in diffractive X-ray imaging: past experience as prologue for biomolecular structure determination using XFEL sources Harry M. Quiney (ARC Centre of Excellence for Coherent X-ray Science and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Group, School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia) |
14:30 |
Geb. 2a, Seminarraum 2 |
DISPUTATION A Supersymmetric Standard Model from a Local E6 GUT Klaus Braam |
15:00 |
Geb. 28c, Seminarraum |
JOINT INSTRUMENTATION SEMINAR Radiation Damage in Silicon Sensors at the LHC Frank Hartmann |
16:00 |
Jungiusstraße 9, Hörsaal III |
DISPUTATION Rolled-Up Metamaterials Containing Active Semiconductor Quantum Structures Stephan Schwaiger |