Please return to : Olaf Behnke ZEUS/F1 01a/O1.132 Tel. 3854 or email to :, Request for a DESY Summer Student in 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Roberval Walsh email : Tel : 4849 Room : O1.203 DESY-Group/Experiment : CMS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short description of the project the student should work on : In summer of 2012, the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN announced the discovery of a new particle with features consistent with the long-sought Higgs boson. Moreover, various precise measurements of the standard model, which are important inputs for new discoveries and could also give an indirect hint of new physics, has been performed by all experiments. The most exact determination of the luminosity, as the measure for the number of collisions in the recorded data, is fundamental in probing the physics at the novel energy frontier. Another crucial ingredient is the monitoring of the beam conditions, especially for the precise reconstruction of physics objects relevant for this physics analyses, e.g. b-tagging. The DESY CMS group has led the developments and studies of the CMS fast beam conditions monitor BCM1F that has shown astonishing performance as a beam background and luminosity monitor during the first period of the LHC running. During the so-called long shutdown 1 (LS1) (2013/2014) BCM1F will be upgraded to cope with the harsh environment for the planned higher energy and luminosity and smaller bunch separation. The summer student will participate in studying simulated data of BCM1F with parameters for the planned conditions for the LHC and upgraded geometry after the LS1 to correlate the BCM1F signal characteristics with possible inefficiencies and identify potential sources of systematic effects, such as non-linearity of collision rates, affecting the measurements of luminosity and machine-induced backgrounds. The National Analysis Facility (NAF) at DESY and CMS grid resources will be used. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Physics / Computing/ Engineering Content of the project : Luminosity, beam background. Work in a large international collaboration Grid computing. CMS software framework for analysis. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Qualifications expected from the student ( Computing,...) : Interest and skills in programming. Some experience with c++ or python as well as basics of Root, would be helpful ------------------------------------------------------------------ Other remarks : ------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor(s) during the project (16/07/13 - 5/09/13) : Name: Roberval Walsh Tel: 4849 email :