Request for a DESY Summer Student in 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Astrid Muennich email : Tel : 2069 Room : 1.511 DESY-Group/Experiment : FLC-TPC ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short description of the project the student should work on : The group operates a large prototype TPC and several data sets taken in testbeam campaigns are available for analysis. In a first step the student will work on testing and improving existing algorithms and tools for the reconstruction. For example finding pulses in the data stream and calculating their properties. Following that data sets from the large prototype TPC will be analyzed to study the resolution and other characteristics of such a detector. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Physics / Computing/ Engineering Content of the project : - Understanding the nature of TPC data and their reconstruction - Developing and testing of reconstruction algorithms 90% physics . 10% Computing ------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Qualifications expected from the student ( Computing,...) : - Some experience with C++ programming ------------------------------------------------------------------ Other remarks : ------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor(s) during the project (16/07/12 - 5/09/12) : Name: Ralf Diener Tel: 3426 email :