Please return to : Olaf Behnke ZEUS/F1 01a/O1.132 Tel. 3854 or email to :, Request for a DESY Summer Student in 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Katja Krueger email : Tel : 1916 Room : 01e/O1.538 DESY-Group/Experiment : FLC ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short description of the project the student should work on : The AHCAL group develops a prototype of a hadronic calorimeter for a future linear e+e- collider. An important part is the readout electronics, which is fully integrated into the detector layers and has therefore to fulfil high demands on space and energy consumption. The newest generation of SPIROC, an ASIC from a family of readout chips produced by Omega micro, is now tested in the lab. The student is supposed to contribute to the tests, especially tests of the time measurement and the power pulsing capabilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Physics / Computing/ Engineering Content of the project : detector testing and commissioning ------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Qualifications expected from the student ( Computing,...) : enjoy working with hardware; knowledge of LabView would be nice, but is not necessary ------------------------------------------------------------------ Other remarks : ------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor(s) during the project (16/07/13 - 5/09/13) : Name: Tel: email : Katja Krueger 1916