URL: https://www.desy.de/information__services/desy_user/@@siteview
Breadcrumb Navigation
Information & Service
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
- Accelerator and experiments assembly (MEA)
- Accelerator division (M)
- Accelerator operation (MBB)
- Accelerator physics (MPY)
- Accelerator planning (MPL)
- Beam control (MSK)
- Cryogenics and superconductivity (MKS)
- Diagnostics and instrumentation (MDI)
- Energy supply (MKK)
- Injection / ejection (MIN)
- Radio frequency technology / electrons (MHF-e)
- Radio frequency technology / protons (MHF-p)
- Software / technology for accelerator control (MCS)
- Superconducting Accelerator Technology (MSL)
- Vacuum system (MVS)
Special Services
- Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY (VFFD)
- Communication (KOM) | Campus Zeuthen
- Education Hamburg / Zeuthen
- EU project office
- Machine operating manual
- Normstelle
- Post Office
- Program-oriented funding (PoF)
- Projektkommission
- Projekttraeger DESY
- Prozesslandkarte
- Specifications
- Technology transfer
Directorate and interdivisional departments
- Directorate
- Directorate's Office (DIB)
- EU project office (EUP)
- Foundation Council
- Further education at DESY Hamburg / Zeuthen
- HR Development (PE)
- Innovation and Technology Transfer (ITT)
- Internal audit (D2)
- IT security and data protection (D4)
- Meeting of the Deputy Directors and Executive Assistants
- Press and communications (PR)
- Project management organization for the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF (PT)
- Radiation protection (D3) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Relation Management (RM)
- Security and environmental protection (D5)
- Betriebssportgemeinschaft (in German)
- Campus Portal (in German)
- Canteen Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Car sharing (in German)
- Charities (in German)
- Choir
- Company medical officer Hamburg / Zeuthen
- DESY Market (Newsgroup)
- Electronics repair
- Equal Opportunities
- Equipment repair
- Gesamtbetriebsrat
- Guest Services (International Office, Hostel, Housing) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Health Management
- Interessengemeinschaft Kraftfahrender DESYaner e.V.
- Kindergarten
- Publications @ DESY
- Request Campus Infrastructure
- Rundschreiben
- Social counseling
- StadtRAD
- Women`s association
- Work and private life
- Works council Hamburg / Zeuthen
Synchrotron radiation research
External Research Groups
- EMBL Hamburg (European Molecular Biology Laboratory)
- GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
- HUB Department of Physics
- II. Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg
- Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg
- Institute for Laser Physics, University of Hamburg
- Max-Planck Working Groups for Structural Molecular Biology, Hamburg
High-energy physics research
- ALPS experiment
- Belle & Belle II
- DESY group ATLAS at the LHC (ATLAS)
- DESY group CMS at the LHC (CMS)
- DESY group ZEUS/F1 (ZEUS/F1)
- DESY particle physics group in H1 (FH1)
- Electronics development (FE)
- Information management, processes, CAD support (IPP)
- Information technology (IT)
- Library (L)
- Research at lepton colliders (FLC)
- Research for linear accelerators (FLA)
- Research Particle Physics (FH)
- Service centre electronics (ZE)
- Theoretical Particle Physics in Hamburg (T)
Rules and regulations
Astro particle physics research
- Center for Quantum Technology and Applications (CQTA)
- Communication (KOM) | Campus Zeuthen
- Computer centre (DV)
- Electronics group (EL)
- Gruppe Campus in Zeuthen (CZEU)
- Library (L)
- Management Office Zeuthen
- Mechanics department MECH
- Photo injector test facility (PITZ)
- Theoretical Particle Physics in Zeuthen (ZPPT)
- Works Council (BR) Zeuthen
Administration department
- Administration Hamburg
- Administration Zeuthen (V/Z)
- Controlling
- Finance department Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Guest services (VSG)
- HELP -- Help for you in difficult situations
- HR Development (PE)
- Human resources department Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Legal department (V5)
- Organisation and general services department (V1)
- Purchasing and Materials Management Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Relation Management (RM)
- Service centre plant safety, fire prevention, emergency service (SAVE)
- V6 | Organisationsentwicklung und Informationssysteme (German)
Scientific Comittees
- Astroparticle Physics Committee (APC)
- Commission for Ethics in Research (Statute)
- Extended Scientific Council (ESC)
- Machine Advisory Committee (MAC)
- Photon Science Committee (PSC)
- Photon Science Research Project Review Panels (PRPs)
- Physics Research Committee (PRC)
- Scientific Council (SC)
- Scientific Council (SC)
- Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss (WA)
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- V
- W
- Accelerator and experiments assembly (MEA)
- Accelerator division (M)
- Accelerator divison (M)
- Accelerator operation (MBB)
- Accelerator physics (MPY)
- Accelerator planning (MPL)
- Administration Hamburg
- Administration Zeuthen (V/Z)
- Alle Vertretungen
- ALPS experiment
- Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY (VFFD)
- Astroparticle Physics
- Astroparticle Physics Committee (APC)
- Campus Portal (in German)
- Canteen Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Car pool service Hamburg
- Car sharing (in German)
- Center for Quantum Technology and Applications (CQTA)
- Charities (in German)
- Choir
- Commission for Ethics in Research (Statute)
- Communication (KOM) | Campus Zeuthen
- Company medical officer Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Computer centre (DV)
- Controlling
- Cryogenics and superconductivity (MKS)
- Education Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Electronics development (FE)
- Electronics group (EL)
- Electronics repair
- EMBL Hamburg (European Molecular Biology Laboratory)
- Energy supply (MKK)
- Equal Opportunities
- Equipment repair
- EU project office
- EU project office (EUP)
- Extended Scientific Council (ESC)
- DESY Access Handling System DACHS
- DESY group ATLAS at the LHC (ATLAS)
- DESY group CMS at the LHC (CMS)
- DESY group ZEUS/F1 (ZEUS/F1)
- DESY inForm
- DESY Market (Newsgroup)
- DESY particle physics group in H1 (FH1)
- DESY Photon Science (former HASYLAB)
- Diagnostics and instrumentation (MDI)
- Directorate
- Directorate's Office (DIB)
- Division Astroparticle Physics
- Division Particle Physics
- Division photon science
- Divisions and groups
- Gesamtbetriebsrat
- Geschäfts- und Betriebsordnung (GO/BO)
- GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- Gruppe Campus in Zeuthen (CZEU)
- Guest Services (International Office, Hostel, Housing) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Guest services (VSG)
- II. Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg
- Information management, processes, CAD support (IPP)
- Information technology (IT)
- Iniative of PhD students (DOIT)
- Injection / ejection (MIN)
- Innovation and Technology Transfer (ITT)
- Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg
- Institute for Laser Physics, University of Hamburg
- Interessengemeinschaft Kraftfahrender DESYaner e.V.
- Internal audit (D2)
- IT security and data protection
- IT security and data protection (D4)
- IT/computing Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Health Management
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
- HELP -- Help for you in difficult situations
- Hertz Lecture
- HR Development (PE)
- HUB Department of Physics
- Human resources department Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Machine Advisory Committee (MAC)
- Machine operating manual
- Management Office Zeuthen
- Max-Planck Working Groups for Structural Molecular Biology, Hamburg
- Mechanics department MECH
- Meeting of the Deputy Directors and Executive Assistants
- Phonebook (building search)
- Photo injector test facility (PITZ)
- Photon Science Committee (PSC)
- Photon Science Research Project Review Panels (PRPs)
- Physics Research Committee (PRC)
- Post Office
- Press and communications (PR)
- Prevention of corruption
- Preview of dates
- Principal Rules and Standards
- Program-oriented funding (PoF)
- Project management organization for the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF (PT)
- Projektkommission
- Projekttraeger DESY
- Prozesslandkarte
- Publication Database
- Publications @ DESY
- Purchasing and Materials Management Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Safety and Environmental Protection
- Safety Zeuthen
- Scientific annual report
- Scientific Council (SC)
- Scientific Council (SC)
- Security and environmental protection (D5)
- Service centre electronics (ZE)
- Service centre mechanics (ZM)
- Service centre plant safety, fire prevention, emergency service (SAVE)
- Social counseling
- Software / technology for accelerator control (MCS)
- Specifications
- StadtRAD
- Superconducting Accelerator Technology (MSL)
- Radiation Protection Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Radiation protection (D3) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Radio frequency technology / electrons (MHF-e)
- Radio frequency technology / protons (MHF-p)
- Registration IAM (PDF) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Relation Management (RM)
- Repair
- Representatives for the severely disabled Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Request Campus Infrastructure
- Research at lepton colliders (FLC)
- Research for linear accelerators (FLA)
- Research Particle Physics (FH)
- Risk Management
- Rundschreiben
- Technical Safety
- Technology transfer
- Theoretical Particle Physics in Hamburg (T)
- Theoretical Particle Physics in Zeuthen (ZPPT)
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- Accelerator and experiments assembly (MEA)
- Accelerator division (M)
- Accelerator divison (M)
- Accelerator operation (MBB)
- Accelerator physics (MPY)
- Accelerator planning (MPL)
- Administration Hamburg
- Administration Zeuthen (V/Z)
- Alle Vertretungen
- ALPS experiment
- Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY (VFFD)
- Astroparticle Physics
- Astroparticle Physics Committee (APC)
- Beam control (MSK)
- Belle & Belle II
- Betriebssportgemeinschaft (in German)
- Brochures and leaflets
- Campus Portal (in German)
- Canteen Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Car pool service Hamburg
- Car sharing (in German)
- Center for Quantum Technology and Applications (CQTA)
- Charities (in German)
- Choir
- Commission for Ethics in Research (Statute)
- Communication (KOM) | Campus Zeuthen
- Company medical officer Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Computer centre (DV)
- Controlling
- Cryogenics and superconductivity (MKS)
- DESY Access Handling System DACHS
- DESY group ATLAS at the LHC (ATLAS)
- DESY group CMS at the LHC (CMS)
- DESY group ZEUS/F1 (ZEUS/F1)
- DESY inForm
- DESY Market (Newsgroup)
- DESY particle physics group in H1 (FH1)
- DESY Photon Science (former HASYLAB)
- Diagnostics and instrumentation (MDI)
- Directorate
- Directorate's Office (DIB)
- Division Astroparticle Physics
- Division Particle Physics
- Division photon science
- Divisions and groups
- Education Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Electronics development (FE)
- Electronics group (EL)
- Electronics repair
- EMBL Hamburg (European Molecular Biology Laboratory)
- Energy supply (MKK)
- Equal Opportunities
- Equipment repair
- EU project office
- EU project office (EUP)
- Extended Scientific Council (ESC)
- Finance department Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Foundation Council
- Further education at DESY Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Gesamtbetriebsrat
- Geschäfts- und Betriebsordnung (GO/BO)
- GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- Gruppe Campus in Zeuthen (CZEU)
- Guest Services (International Office, Hostel, Housing) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Guest services (VSG)
- Health Management
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
- HELP -- Help for you in difficult situations
- Hertz Lecture
- HR Development (PE)
- HUB Department of Physics
- Human resources department Hamburg / Zeuthen
- II. Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg
- Information management, processes, CAD support (IPP)
- Information technology (IT)
- Iniative of PhD students (DOIT)
- Injection / ejection (MIN)
- Innovation and Technology Transfer (ITT)
- Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg
- Institute for Laser Physics, University of Hamburg
- Interessengemeinschaft Kraftfahrender DESYaner e.V.
- Internal audit (D2)
- IT security and data protection
- IT security and data protection (D4)
- IT/computing Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Jentschke Lectures
- Kindergarten
- Legal department (V5)
- Library (L)
- Library (L) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Library (L)
- Machine Advisory Committee (MAC)
- Machine operating manual
- Management Office Zeuthen
- Max-Planck Working Groups for Structural Molecular Biology, Hamburg
- Mechanics department MECH
- Meeting of the Deputy Directors and Executive Assistants
- Normstelle
- Ombudsmen
- Organisation and general services department (V1)
- Organisation chart
- Phonebook (building search)
- Photo injector test facility (PITZ)
- Photon Science Committee (PSC)
- Photon Science Research Project Review Panels (PRPs)
- Physics Research Committee (PRC)
- Post Office
- Press and communications (PR)
- Prevention of corruption
- Preview of dates
- Principal Rules and Standards
- Program-oriented funding (PoF)
- Project management organization for the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF (PT)
- Projektkommission
- Projekttraeger DESY
- Prozesslandkarte
- Publication Database
- Publications @ DESY
- Purchasing and Materials Management Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Radiation Protection Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Radiation protection (D3) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Radio frequency technology / electrons (MHF-e)
- Radio frequency technology / protons (MHF-p)
- Registration IAM (PDF) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Relation Management (RM)
- Repair
- Representatives for the severely disabled Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Request Campus Infrastructure
- Research at lepton colliders (FLC)
- Research for linear accelerators (FLA)
- Research Particle Physics (FH)
- Risk Management
- Rundschreiben
- Safety and Environmental Protection
- Safety Zeuthen
- Scientific annual report
- Scientific Council (SC)
- Scientific Council (SC)
- Security and environmental protection (D5)
- Service centre electronics (ZE)
- Service centre mechanics (ZM)
- Service centre plant safety, fire prevention, emergency service (SAVE)
- Social counseling
- Software / technology for accelerator control (MCS)
- Specifications
- StadtRAD
- Superconducting Accelerator Technology (MSL)
- Technical Safety
- Technology transfer
- Theoretical Particle Physics in Hamburg (T)
- Theoretical Particle Physics in Zeuthen (ZPPT)
- Vacuum system (MVS)
- Verbundwerkstätten
- Videoconferenzing and Webcasts Hamburg / Zeuthen
- V6 | Organisationsentwicklung und Informationssysteme (German)
- Werkstattverbund
- Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss (WA)
- Women`s association
- Women's association / equal opportunities commissioner (FV/GB)
- Work and private life
- Works council Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Works Council Agreements
- Works council (BR) Hamburg / Zeuthen
- Works Council (BR) Zeuthen