DESY in the press

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Media coverage of DESY

Achiral and chiral ligands synergistically harness chiral self-assembly of inorganics
Abstract Chiral structures and functions are essential natural components in biominerals and biological crystals. Chiral molecules direct inorganics through chiral growth of facets or screw dislocation of crystal clusters. As chirality pr ...

Ausbildung zum Kaufmann/-frau für IT-System-Management – CELLE in Celle, Niedersachsen gesucht
IT Job: Ausbildung zum Kaufmann/-frau für IT- System – Management – CELLE in Celle, Niedersachsen von Securitas gesucht Mach den nächsten Schritt in deine Zukunft bei Securitas! Unser Team sucht für das Ausbildungsjahr 2025 en ...

DESY: Das Forschungszentrum der kleinsten Teilchen in Hamburg
Reichweite: 2.565.257 - Dieser Artikel wurde ausgedruckt unter der Adresse: Das- Forschungszentrum- der-kleinsten-Teilchen- in- Hamburg,desy108.html Stand: 18.10.2024 08:45 Uhr Am 12. November 1964 wird ...

Direct observation of the complex S(IV) equilibria at the liquid-vapor interface
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract The multi-phase oxidation of S(IV) plays a crucial role in the atmosphere, leading to the formation of haze and severe pollution episodes. We here contribute to its understanding on a molecular level by reporting experimentally d ...

Multi-scale correlation of impact-induced defects in carbon fiber composites using X-ray scattering and machine learning
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Impact-induced defects in carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs)-spanning from nanometer to macroscopic length scales-can be monitored using an aggregate of X-ray-based methods, but this is impractical in typical field conditio ...

Antisolvent controls the shape and size of anisotropic lead halide perovskite nanocrystals
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Colloidal lead halide perovskite nanocrystals have potential for lighting applications due to their optical properties. Precise control of the nanocrystal dimensions and composition is a prerequisite for establishing practical ap ...

Observation of molecular resonant double-core excitation driven by intense X-ray pulses
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract The ultrashort and intense pulses of X-rays produced at X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) have enabled unique experiments on the atomic level structure and dynamics of matter, with time-resolved studies permitted in the femto- a ...

Thomson Scattering and Radiation Reaction from a Laser-Driven Electron
Typesetting math: 53% National Fusion Laboratory, CIEMAT, 28040 Madrid, Spain Department of Applied Physics, University of Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain Department of Theoretical Physics, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spai ...

Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg wählt vier neue Mitglieder
Reichweite: 7.655 - Die neuen Mitglieder im Überblick: • Prof. Dr. Beate Heinemann, Experimentelle Teilchenphysik – Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY), Hamburg • Prof. Dr. Silja Klepp, Humangeographie – Christian-Albrechts-Universi ...

Comparative VUV Synchrotron Excitation Study of YAG: Eu and YAG: Cr Ceramics
Institute of Physical and Technical Sciences, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana 010008, Kazakhstan Deutsches Elektronen- Synchrotron DESY, 22603 Hamburg Germany Institute of Solid State Physics, University of L ...

DESY: Das Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron
Reichweite: 2.565.257 - Sendung: Norddeutsche Geschichte(n) | 04.11.1964 | 00:00 Uhr 39 Min Nach mehr als fünfjähriger Bauzeit wird das Forschungszentrum zur Teilchenphysik in Hamburg- Bahrenfeld 1964 seiner Bestimmung übergeben. Professor Haber erklärt das Pri ...

Surface polarization profile of ferroelectric thin films probed by X-ray standing waves and photoelectron spectroscopy
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Understanding the mechanisms underlying a stable polarization at the surface of ferroelectric thin films is of particular importance both from a fundamental point of view and to achieve control of the surface polarization itself. ...

Scientists Unveil Unusual Crystal Behavior on Heating
In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, have observed an unexpected reduction in local crystal symmetry when heated. This finding challenges traditional ...

Scientific Reports
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract We demonstrate a hybrid nanocomposite combining mesoporous silica, p SiO , as a host medium and guest lithium niobate LiNbO nanocrystals embedded into tubular silica nanochannels by calcination of the precursor mixed solution of ...

Hidden crystal structures unlocked: A new era for energy innovation and material design
The study, led by Prof. Kanishka Biswas, with contributions from Ivy Maria and Paribesh Acharyya, demonstrated that in the case of an all-inorganic two-dimensional halide perovskite, Cs2PbI2Cl2, the local symmetry decreases with rising tem ...

Attosecond formation of charge-transfer-to-solvent states of aqueous ions probed using the core-hole-clock technique
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Charge transfer between molecules lies at the heart of many chemical processes. Here, we focus on the ultrafast electron dynamics associated with the formation of charge-transfer-to-solvent (CTTS) states following X-ray absorptio ...

Adaptive laboratory evolution recruits the promiscuity of succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase to repair different metabolic deficiencies
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Promiscuous enzymes often serve as the starting point for the evolution of novel functions. Yet, the extent to which the promiscuity of an individual enzyme can be harnessed several times independently for different purposes duri ...

New hub for high-energy astrophysics — CTAO Science Data Management Centre opens at DESY in Zeuthen
Zeuthen Germany – On 14 October 2024, the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), along with hosting partners and shareholders Deutsches Elektronen- Synchrotron DESY, celebrated the official inauguration of the Science Data Management Centre ...

Neues Daten-Zentrum macht Desy Zeuthen zum Knotenpunkt der Astroteilchenforschung
Reichweite: 220.584 - Mit der Eröffnung seines neuen Rechenzentrums macht das Desy in Zeuthen einen großen Schritt in Richtung Zukunft. Hier werden Daten aus aller Welt gesammelt, um die Geheimnisse des Universums zu entschlüsseln. Rundgang mit Christian Stegm ...

Rare Observation in Hidden Structure in Crystals Brings New Paradigms in Material Design for Advanced Energy Solutions
Researchers have made a rare observation where the local crystal structure symmetry or the arrangement of atoms in the immediate vicinity of a given atom, in a crystal, reduces upon warming, contrary to the usual trend of symmetry of crystal structures i ...

Rare Observation in Hidden Structure in Crystals Brings New Paradigms in Material Design for Advanced Energy Solutions
Researchers have made a rare observation where the local crystal structure symmetry or the arrangement of atoms in the immediate vicinity of a given atom, in a crystal, reduces upon warming, contrary to the usual trend of symmetry of crystal structures i ...

DESY: Neues Zentrum für Hochenergie-Astrophysik
Am 14. Oktober wurde das neue Gebäude für das wissenschaftliche Datenzentrum (Science Data Management Centre, SDMC) in Zeuthen eröffnet. DESY und das Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) feierten am 14. Oktober die offizielle Eröff ...

DESY: Neues Zentrum für Hochenergie-Astrophysik
Am 14. Oktober wurde das neue Gebäude für das wissenschaftliche Datenzentrum (Science Data Management Centre, SDMC) in Zeuthen eröffnet. DESY und das Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) feierten am 14. Oktober die offizielle Eröff ...

Instrument Scientist (f/m/d) in Schenefeld, Schleswig-Holstein – Hamburg gesucht
IT Job: Instrument Scientist (f/m/d) in Schenefeld, Schleswig-Holstein – Hamburg gesichtet! Die European XFEL , eine internationale gemeinnützige Organisation in der Nähe von Hamburg, sucht derzeit einen motivierten Instrument Scien ...

Reichweite: 672.526 - Mo 14.10.2024 | 21:45 | rbb24 mit Sport Neubau am Zeuthener Forschungszentrum "Desy" eingeweiht +++ Forst-Experten machen sich Sorgen um den Waldumbau +++ Gedenkveranstaltung am Mahnmal "Gleis 17" +++ weitere Themen der Sendung rbb/Thomas Ernst ++ Was 10 ...