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25.10.2018 / 12:00 - 13:30 / Hamburg, CFEL, building 99 ( SR1 )
PIER Innovation Lunch TalksStartup Knowledge: What Does the Perfect Pitch Look Like?
Bianca Praetorius (Pitch Coach)
How can I convince others of my business idea within just a few minutes? What are essential elements of a successful pitch? These and other questions will be answered by Bianca Praetorius, a private pitch coach with long-standing experience in coaching tech start-ups, during the next PIER Innovation Lunch Talk Join us for a get-together after the talk, discuss further questions with the speaker and meet like-minded fellow researchers. Free refreshments and snacks will be provided. To facilitate our planning, please register by email until Monday, 22 October 2018 (info@pier-hamburg.de).
More Information: https://indico.desy.de/indico/event/21735/