05.05.2023 / 14:30 / Hamburg, Bldg. 2a, seminar room 2 / Zoom

Quantum Universe Lecture

Status and Perspective of Dark Energy (3/3)

Jochen Liske (U Hamburg)

Current and future observational efforts to constrain Dark Energy: In this final lecture of the series we will turn to the observational evidence for Dark Energy or, more precisely, for the accelerated expansion of the Universe. We will first briefly recount the original discovery in 1998, and then describe the methods that are used today to measure the DE density and equation of state parameters. We will partially review the latest results and then turn to the new survey experiments that are either already in progress or will soon go on sky. Finally, I will discuss the prospects of an entirely different approach to DE: real-time cosmology.

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/category/651/