02.07.2024 / 15:00 - 16:00 / Hamburg, SR2, building 2a

Theory Seminar

Superweak extension of the standard model

Zoltan Trocsanyi (ELTE Budapest)

The super-weak force is a minimal, anomaly-free U(1) extension of the standard model (SM), designed to explain the origin of (i) neutrino masses and mixing matrix elements, (ii) dark matter, (iii) cosmic inflation, (iv) stabilization of the electroweak vacuum and (v) leptogenesis. In this talk we discuss the phenomenological status of the model and provide viable scenarios for the physics of the items in this list. The talk is based on the following research articles on the arXiv: 1812.11189, 2104.11248, 2104.14571, 2105.13360, 2204.07100 , 2301.07961, 2301.06621 (all published) and 2402.14786.

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/event/43939/