

Lectures and events at DESY

Current week « 16.11. - 22.11.2015 » Week | Month
16:00 Hamburg
CFEL, Gebäude 99, Seminarraum II
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Nonlinear ionization of many-electron systems over a broad photon-energy range
Antonia Karamatskou
16:30 -17:30 Hamburg
SR 2, Geb. 2a
Theory Seminar
Thermalization and hydrodynamization in weakly coupled nonabelian plasmas
Aleksi Kurkela (CERN)
10:00 Hamburg
Seminar rooms 4 a and 5, building 2 b

9th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale"
17:00 -19:00 Hamburg
Jungiusstr. 9, Otto Stern-Hörsaal (Hörsaal II)
Physik im Alltag – von den Elementarteilchen zu den Sternen | öffentliche Ringvorlesung der Universität Hamburg
Neues von der Weltmaschine
Prof. Dr. Gudrid Moortgat-Pick (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hamburg)
17:15 Hamburg
Auditorium, building 5
Tuesday Seminar integrated in Helmholtz-Alliance Workshop "Physics at the Terascale".
Trends in Detector Development for Particle Physics
Christian Kiesling (MPI Munich)
09:00 Hamburg

9th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale"
14:30 -15:30 Hamburg
Uni Auditorium, building 61
Theory Colloquium
Inflation and Dark Energy in our Universe
Timm Wrase (Vienna University )
19:30 Hamburg
Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
öffentlicher Abendvortrag der Fortbildung - Eintritt frei
Einstein, das Universum und der LHC
Veranstaltungs des Alexander von Humboldt-Professors Dr. Brian Foster, DESY und der Universität Hamburg (Vortrag mit Musikstücken von Bach, Mozart und Kreisler | Jack Liebeck Violine)
1:00 -11:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99, SR I+II
Molecular Physics Seminar
tentative: Laser developments for table top VUV experiments
Prof. Jens Limpert
13:00 -14:00 Hamburg
CFEL building 99, SR I + II
Molecular Physics Seminar
High-photon-flux and repetition-rate table-pulse fiber lasers
Prof. Jens Limpert (Jena: Fiedrich-Schiller-Universität | Helmholtz-Institute | Frauhofer | Active Fiber Systems GmbH)
17:30 -19:00 Hamburg
Main auditorium (Hörsaal), building 5
PIER | SFB 676 Student Council Evening Lecture
Philosophie meets Physics: The fine-tuning argument for the multiverse and the reality of the constants
Simon Friederich (University of Groningen)
18:30 -20:30 Hamburg
SR I - II, CEFL Building 99, Luruper Chaussee 149
Informative evening of discussion
Scientific Career and Parenthood
(registration required )

14:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99, SR I - III
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
Observing Ultracold Symmetries
Massimo Inguscio (University of Florence, Italian National Institute for Metrology, Turin, Italy)
14:30 -16:00 Hamburg
SR 2, Bldg 2a
SFB 676 Lectures
Status and Future Prospects for Beam Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration at FLASHForward
Dr. Lucas Schaper (DESY)
16:00 Hamburg
Zentrum für optische Quantentechnologien (ZOQ), SemRm Ergeschoss, Luruper Chaussee 149
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Temporal Control of Laser-Electron Interaction at High-Gain Free-Electron Lasers
Christoph Lechner