

Lectures and events at DESY

Current week « 08.12. - 14.12.2014 » Week | Month
14:00 -18:00 Hamburg
Building 3, Seminarroom BAH 1

Pre-Workshop "Integration" of 3rd MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research
16:30 -17.30 Hamburg
Building 2 a, SR 2
Theory Seminar
Mass spectrum prediction in non-minimal supersymmetric
Alexander Voigt (DESY)
09:00 -18:00 Hamburg
various see schedule

Pre-Workshops "Tutorials" and "Integration" of 3rd MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
Building 1, SR 1
SFB676 Families & Careers in Physics
The view outside: Family and Career in the Netherlands
Dr. Anna Watts (University of Amsterdam)
16:45 Hamburg
Building 2 a, SR 2
Magnetic field and energetic particles in astrophysics and the laboratory
Tony Bell (University of Oxford & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
17:15 Hamburg
Building 69, seminar room 052 (ground floor)
Colloquium in the framework of the Graduate School 1355 "Physics with New Advanced Coherent Radiation Sources"
Non-equilibrium phases of matter-light systems
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Keelings (SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews)
14:00 -18:00 Hamburg

3rd MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL bldg. 99, seminar room IV, first floor

Feynman path integral approach to tunnelling time
Ms. Alexandra Landsman (Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich)
14:30 Hamburg
Building 2 a, SR 2
Theory Colloquium
The physics and forensics of neutron star explosions
Anna Watts (Amsterdam University)
16:00 Hamburg
Geb. 2 a, SR 2
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Studies of field Projection Chamber for the International Linear Collider
Klaus Zenker
17:00 Hamburg
DESY Bistro, Gebäude 9 a
Science Café - öffentliche Veranstaltung
Die Reise ins All – Welche Antriebsmethoden und Konzepte gibt es?
Gotthold Fläschner (DESY)
09:00 -18:00 Hamburg

3rd MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research
10:00 Hamburg
CEFL, bldg. 99, seminar room ground floor
CEFL Molecular Physics Seminar
Molecules as fundamental tests for parity violation
Benoit Darquie (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris-Sud )
16:30 Hamburg
Wolfgang-Pauli-Hörsaal (I) Jungiusstraße 9, 20355 Hamburg
Kolloquium - SFB 676 und VFFP
Kosmologie nach BICEP2 und Planck
Dr. Alexander Westphal, DESY und Dr. Torsten Enßlin, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, München
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL, Bldg. 99
PIER Photon Science Colloquium
Breaking Barriers with Maxwell's Demon
Mark Raizen (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
15:00 Hamburg
Building 1 b, SR 4
Joint Instrumentation Seminar
Multi-Gigabit wireless data transfer using the 60 GHz band
H.-K. Soltveit (DESY, Hamburg University, XFEL)
17:30 Hamburg
Hörsaal, Geb. 5
Naturwissenschaft & Musik Vortrag - öffentlicher Vortrag - Eintritt frei
Energie: dunkel, hell und generell
Dr. Karsten Büßer (DESY)
19:30 Hamburg
Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
Naturwissenschaften & Musik - öffentliches Konzert - Eintritt frei
Humboldt Professor Brian Foster lädt ein
Amy Harman - bassoon and Amandine Savary - piano (Schumann, Bach, Liszt, Hindemith, Saint-Saens, Hahn, Dutilleux )