

Lectures and events at DESY

Current week « 16.06. - 22.06.2014 » Week | Month
11:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 2a, Seminarr. 2
öffentliche Disputation
Search For The Higgs Boson Decaying into Tau-Leptons in the Di-Electron Channel
Jakob M. H. Salfeld-Nebgen
16:30 Hamburg
Bldg. 2 a, seminar room 2
Theory Seminar
Transverse momentum dependent PDFs at NNLO
Thomas Luebbert (Universität Hamburg )
14:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 90, Seminarraum ZOQ
öffentliche Disputation
Searches for dark matter self-annihilation signals from dwarf spheroidal galaxies and the Fornax galaxy cluster with imaging air Cherenkov telescopes
Björn H. B. Opitz
16:30 -18:30 Hamburg
PIER Colloquium: X-Ray Imaging: Faster, Smaller and Brighter
Henry Chapman (DESY)
16:30 -18:30 Hamburg
DESY Hörsaal
PIER Colloquium
X-ray Imaging: Faster, Smaller and Brighter
Prof. Henry Chapman
17:15 Hamburg
Building 69, seminar room 052 (ground floor)
In the framework of the Graduate School 1355: Physics with New Advanced Coherent Radiation Sources
Quantum measurements and fun with ultra-cold atoms
Dr. Jacob Sherson (Aarhus University Department of Physics and Astronomy)
14:00 -16:00 Hamburg
Building 1 b, sem. room 4b
New Particle Physics Facilities Seminars
Status of the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA)
Dr. Grigori Troubnikov (JINR Dubna)
14:30 Hamburg
Bldg. 2 a, seminar room 2
Theory Colloquium
The Search for Gravitational Waves
Bruce Allen (MPI for Gravitational Physics, Hanover)
10.30 Hamburg
Gebäude 90, Seminarraum ZOQ,
öffentliche Disputation
Design of a Radiation Hard Silicon Pixel Sensor for X-ray Science
Jörn Schwandt
14:00 Hamburg
CFEL,Bldg. 99, seminar room I - III
CUI Kolloquium
2D IR spectroscopy of tautomerism in NA with applications to an anti-HIV drug
Andrei Tokmakoff (The Tokmakoff Group, Chicago)
14:15 Hamburg
Bldg. 2 a, seminar room 2
String Theory Seminar
U(1) portals into hidden sectors
Pablo Soler (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Bridfas Lecture - Guest are welcome
Henry VIII and the Story of the Abraham Tapestries at Hampton Court Palace
Sue Jackson
10:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 90, Seminarraum ZOQ
öffentliche Disputation
A new Method for the Reconstruction of Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Spectra and Application to Galactic Cosmic-Ray Accelerator
Milton Virgílio Fernandes
17:30 Hamburg
Laeizhalle, kleiner Saal
So werden wir WELTMEISTER ! Die Physik des Fussballspiels
Prof. Dr. Metin Tolan, Technische Universität Dortmund (Vortrag im Rahmen des Humboldt Science & Music Festivals - Freikarten an der Abendkasse oder unter
20:00 Hamburg
Laeizhalle, kleiner Saal
J. Haydn: Piano Trio in C major, Hob. XV: 27, G. Fauré : Piano Trio in D minor, Op. 120, A. Dvorak: Piano Trio No. 4 in E Minor, “Dumky”, Op. 90
TRIO DALI (Konzert im Rahmen des Humboldt Science & Music Festivals - Freikarten erhältlich an der Abendkasse oder bei