

Lectures and events at DESY

Current month « 06.2016 » Week | Month
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physik Kolloquium
Search for diboson resonances at CMS
Clemens Lange (CERN)
17:00 -19:00 Hamburg
CFEL (building 99), SR I-III
MPSD Theory Workshop
Theoretical challenges: simulating materials out of equilibrium
09:00 -18:15 Hamburg
CFEL (building 99), SR I-III
MPSD Theory Workshop
Theoretical challenges: simulating materials out of equilibrium
16:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Theorie Seminar
A new way to determine alpha_s?
Robert Harlander (RWTH Aachen)
09:40 -15:30 Hamburg
CFEL (building 99), SR I-III
MPSD Theory Workshop
Theoretical challenges: simulating materials out of equilibrium
10:00 Zeuthen
SR 1
Astroparticle Seminar
A discussion on the recent high energy neutrino results
Andrea Palladino (GSSI l'Aquila, Italy)
13:00 -18:00 Hamburg
Hörsaal Foyer
Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf bei DESY
DESY-Flohmarkt für Kindersachen
(Die Aktion richtet sich an alle Beschäftigten auf dem DESY Campus)
14:00 Hamburg
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
Water: from ab-initio simulations to coarse grained models
Roberto Car (Princeton University, New Jersey, USA)
14:30 -16:00 Hamburg
SR2, Geb. 2a
SFB 676-Lectures
Gravitational waves and the Early Universe I
Wilfried Buchmüller (DESY)
16:00 Hamburg
SR 4, Geb. 1b
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Search for Supersymmetric Top-Quark Partners Using Support Vector Machines and Upgrade of the Hadron Calorimeter Front-End Readout Control System at CMS
Mehmet Özgür Şahin
10:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Technisches Seminar
PITZ - Stand und Zukunft - ein Überblick auch im internationalen Vergleich
A. Oppelt (DESY)
11:00 Hamburg
Seminarraum 1, Gebäude 1
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Measurement of beauty quark mass at HERA and impact on Higgs production in association with beauty quarks at LHC
Andrii Gizhko
16:45 Hamburg
Main Auditorium, building 5
Neutrinoless double beta decay searches with 76Ge
Bernhard Schwingenheuer (MPI Heidelberg)
10:00 -11:00 Hamburg
Molecular Physics Seminar
Probing molecular photoexcited dynamics: disentangling the electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom
Dr. Markus Guehr (Potsdam University)
10:15 -11:15 Hamburg
Molecular Physics Seminar
Unraveling Molecular Collisions
Ms. Jolijn Onvlee (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
14:30 -15:30 Hamburg
Geb. 2a, SR 2
Theory Colloquium
UV complete model for Electroweak Baryogenesis, Radiative neutrino mass and Dark Matter
Tetsuo Shindou (Kogakuin University)
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physik Kolloquium
Neutrinoless double beta decay searches with 76Ge
Bernhard Schwingenheuer (MPI HD)
10:00 Hamburg
CFEL building 99 / SR I+II
CFEL Molecular Physics Seminars 2016
Probing molecular photoexcited dynamics: disentangling the electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom
Markus Guehr (Potsdam University)
11:00 -15:00 Hamburg
Geb. 10 EG und 1a 01

Tag der offenen Tür im Servicezentrum Elektronik
Das Servicezentrum Elektronik (ZE) öffnet seine Türen für alle interessierten DESY-Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiter anderer Einrichtungen auf dem DESY-Campus inkl. XFEL (zeitgleich besteht auch die Möglichkeit das FH-MLab 1c.EG.R393 und das FH-Elektroniklabor in 1b.EG.R231 zu besichtigen)
14:00 -16:00 Hamburg
SR 4 a, building 1 b
New Particle Physics Facilities
Ionization cooling, MICE and the future of muon accelerators
Prof. Dr. Ken Long (Imperial College London and STFC)
14:15 -15:15 Hamburg
SR 2, building 2 a
String Theory Seminar
A critical look at flux compactifications in string theory
Thomas van Riet (University of Leuven)
16:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Theorie Seminar
Four-loop beta functions in the Standard Model: Leading contributions and their impact on vacuum stability
Max Zoller (UZH Zurich)
16:30 -18:00 Hamburg
SR 4a, Gebäude 1b
DESY Gesundheitsmanagement - Vortragsreihe GESUND BLEIBEN
Sicher Radfahren
Georg Sommer (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e.V. (ADFC))
11:30 -13:00 Hamburg
Building 1b, SR 4 a/b
ARD Lunch Seminar
LCODE: a code for fast simulations of plasma wakefield acceleration
Konstantin Lotov (Novosibirsk State University)
14:00 Hamburg
Hamburg Phonton Science Colloquium
Why Water is Weird
Philip Ball (Freelance science writer, London)
14:00 Hamburg
Hörsaal III, Jungiusstraße 9, 20355 Hamburg
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Untersuchungen adsorbierter magnetischer Moleküle mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie
Josef Grenz
14:30 -16:00 Hamburg
SR2, Geb. 2a
SFB 676-Lectures
Gravitational waves and the Early Universe II
Wilfried Buchmüller (Hamburg )
15:00 Hamburg
SR 4 Building 1b
A Joint Instrumentation Seminar of the Particle Physics and Photon Science communities at DESY, Hamburg University and XFEL
Progress and prospects on large volume TPCs for rare event searches and its application to axion and neutrino searches
Javier Galan Lacarra
08:00 -18:00 Hamburg
FLASH Seminar room
Photon Science Conference
REXS2016 conference on resonant elastic x-ray scattering
14:00 -18:00 Hamburg
Auditorium, building 5
Satellite workshop AIDA 2020 first annual meeting
Energy and time measurement with High Granularity Silicon Devices
16:30 -17:30 Hamburg
SR 2, building 2a
DESY Theory Seminar
Renormalization group effects in Dark Matter direct detection
Fady Bishara (Oxford)
08:00 -18:00 Hamburg
FLASH Seminar room
Photon Science Conference
REXS2016 conference on resonant elastic x-ray scattering
09:00 -12:00 Hamburg
Auditorium, building 5
Satellite workshop AIDA2020 first annual meeting
Energy and time measurement with High Granularity Silicon Devices
10:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Technisches Seminar
ZTF: eine neue Kamera für das PALOMA-Schmidteleskop
Marek Kowalski (DESY)
11:30 Hamburg
Eingang Kantine, Gebäude 5

Pflanz dir etwas!
Gemüsepflanzensetzlinge werden verschenkt
14:00 Hamburg
SR 1, building 1 and SR 4a and 4b, building 1b

AIDA-2020 First annual meeting
16:45 Hamburg
DESY Auditorium, building 5
Catching gravitational waves: - a new discovery and a new astronomy
Sheila Rowan (Inst. for Gravitational Research, Glasgow University)
08:00 -18:00 Hamburg
FLASH Seminar room
Photon Science Conference
REXS2016 conference on resonant elastic x-ray scattering
11:00 Hamburg
Geb. 3 EG, SemRaum BAH 1/2
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Search for Higgs-Boson Production in Associacionwith Top-Quark Pairs in H→bb Decays at √s=8 and 13 TeV with the CMS Experiment
Jasone Garay Garcia
14:30 -15:30 Hamburg
build. 2a, SR 2
Theory Colloquium
de Sitter vacua from 6d flux compactifications
Fabian Ruehle (DESY)
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physik Kolloquium
Catching gravitational waves: A new discovery and a new astronomy
Sheila Rowan (Institute for Gravitational Research | University of Glasgow)
18:00 Hamburg
Wolfgang-Pauli Hörsaal, HS I, Jungiusstraße 9
Musikabend des Fachschaftsrates Physik der Universität Hamburg
Musik und Physik – Studierende und Mitarbeiter präsentieren ein musikalisches Programm von Klassik bis Pop
für Studierende und Mitarbeiter der Fachbereiche Physik und Nanowissenschaften der Universität Hamburg und DESYaner

AIDA-2020 First annual meeting
08:00 -18:00 Hamburg
FLASH Seminar room
Photon Science Conference
REXS2016 conference on resonant elastic x-ray scattering
10:00 -11:00 Hamburg
CFEL 99/SR 1+2
Molecular Physics Seminar
Theoretical Spectroscopy of Complex Chemical Systems
Prof. Christoph Jacob (TU Braunschweig)
10:00 Hamburg
CFEL 99/SR 1+2
CFEL Molecular Physics Seminars
Theoretical Spectroscopy of Complex Chemical Systems
Christoph Jacob (TU Braunschweig)
16:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Theorie Seminar
FDR up to two loops
Roberto Pittau (UGR Granada)

AIDA-2020 First annual meeting
08:00 -18:00 Hamburg
FLASH Seminar room

REXS2016 conference on resonant elastic x-ray scattering
14:00 Hamburg
SR I-III, CFEL, building 99
Hamburg Phonton Science Colloqium
Ultrafast Electron Kinetics in Graphene
Andreas Knorr (Technische Universität Berlin)
14:30 Hamburg
SR2, Geb. 2a
SFB 676-Lectures
Gravitational waves and the Early Universe III
Dieter Horns (Hamburg)
15:00 Hamburg
canteen, building 5 / Kantinenanbau

DESY Campus Social Hour co-hosted by the Indian Community
(The DESY-Guest Services invites you and your family)

AIDA-2020 First annual meeting
13:30 Hamburg
SR 4 (O1.111), CFEL Gebäude 99
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Transverse Emittance Measurement and Preservation at the LHC
Maria Kuhn
16:30 -17:30 Hamburg
SR 2, Geb. 2 a
DESY Theory Seminar
Effective Field Theories from the Top-Down
Jose Santiago (Granada University)
10:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Technisches Seminar
Die Gruppe Technologietransfer am DESY
I. Mahns (DESY)
15:00 -16:00 Hamburg
SR 2, Geb. 2a
DESY Theory Seminar
Competing forces in 5-dimensional fermion condensation
Michael Peskin (Stanford University)
14:30 -15:30 Hamburg
build. 2a, SR 2
Theory Colloquium
Precise parton distributions and the strong coupling constant
Sven-Olaf Moch (Hamburg University)
17:00 Hamburg
DESY Bistro - Gebäude 9 a
Science Café - öffentliche Veranstaltung - Eintritt frei
Von Zahlen zu Daten – Big Data
Dr. Volker Gülzow (DESY IT)
17:15 Hamburg
ZOQ, building 90 - Seminarroom
SFB/ZOQ Seminar
Dynamics of XUV induced nanoplasma as revealed by THz streaking
Maria Krikunova (Technische Universität Berlin)
19:00 Hamburg
Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
öffentlicher Abendvortrag - Eintritt frei
6 aus 4900000000 - Lotto am Mittwoch - Historie der Entdeckung des Higgs-Bosons am LHC
Dr. Stefan Liebler (DESY)
14:00 -16:00 Hamburg
SR 4a, building 1b
New Particle Physics Facilities
The CEPC project
Prof. Dr. Jie Gao (IHEP Beijing)
11:30 -13:00 Hamburg
Building 01b, seminar room 4a/b
ARD Lunch Seminar
Dielectric Wakefield Acceleration: from x-band to THz
Alexei Kanareykin (Euclid TechLabs)
14:00 Hamburg
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
Networked Quantum Information Technologies
Ian Walmsley (University of Oxford)
15:00 Hamburg
SR 4, building 1 b
A Joint Instrumentation Seminar of the Particle Physics and Photon Science communities at DESY, Hamburg University and XFEL
Simulation of silicon detectors using TCAD
Mathieu Benoit
13:30 Hamburg
1b, Raum 4a/b
Vortrag/Workshop - DESY-interne Fortbildung
Nie mehr Ärger mit dem Ärger - Vom Energiefresser zum Kern meiner Interessen vordringen
Norbert Struck
16:30 -17:30 Hamburg
SR 2, Geb. 2a
DESY Theory Seminar
What is hiding at 750 GeV?
Veronica Sanz (Universtity of Sussex)
16:45 Hamburg
Main Auditorium, building 5
Higgs results from CMS
Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto (MIT)
Geb. 1, SR 1b
öffentliche Auszählung
Auszählung der abgegebenen Stimmen für KandidatInnen zur Wahl GB/FV 2016
10:00 Hamburg
SR 2, Gebäude 2 a
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Development of a Triple GEM Readout Module for a Time Projection Chamber + Measurement Accuracies of Hadronic Higgs Branching Fractions in vvH at a 350 GeV ILC
Felix Müller
14:30 -15:30 Hamburg
SR4a/b, Geb. 1b
SFB 676-Kolloquium
Causation and Physics
Mathias Frisch (Universität Hannover)
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physik Kolloquium
Higgs Results from CMS
Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto (CERN)
16:00 Hamburg
SR4a/b, Geb. 1b
SFB 676-Kolloquium
Quantum simulation with ultracold quantum gases
Klaus Sengstock (Universität Hamburg)
17:15 Hamburg
ZOQ building 90, seminarroom
SFB/ZOQ Seminar
Quantum Gas Microscopy – a Close-Up of Entanglement and Quantum Statistical Physics
Markus Greiner (Harvard University)
10:00 Hamburg
ZOQ building 90, seminarroom
SFB/ZOQ Special Seminar
Fermi Hubbard Physics and Gauge Field Physics under the Microscope
Markus Greiner (Harvard University)
10:00 Hamburg
CFEL Molecular Physics Seminars
Studies of the stereodynamics of inelastic collisions
Mark Brouard (University of Oxford )
14:15 -15:15 Hamburg
SR 2, building 2a
String Theory Seminar
Gauging of Magical Supergravity in Three Dimensions
Parinya Karndumri (Chulalongkorn University Bangkok)