

Lectures and events at DESY

Current month « 10.2017 » Week | Month
19:00 Zeuthen
Magnus-Haus | Am Kupfergraben 7 | 10117 Berlin
Evening Lecture
Building a New Window on the Universe from Antarctica
Prof Dr Francis Halzen | University of Wisconsin-Madison
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physics Colloquium
Physics and Gender? The GENERA Project at DESY
Lia Lang | DESY
12:30 Hamburg
Flash seminar room, building 28 c
DESY Test Beam
Future Opportunities for Test Beams at DESY
A workshop for DESY test beam users
14:00 Hamburg
CFEL, buklding 99, seminar room IV
Measurements and Detailed Analysis of Seeded High-Gain Free-Electron Lasers at FLASH
Tim Florian Plath
18:00 -19:00 Hamburg
DESY Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
Alexander von Humboldt-Professor Dr. Brian Foster lädt ein zur Veranstaltungsreie "Naturwissenschaft & Musik" 2017/18
Einstein und die Würfel - Seine Beiträge und Ansichten zur Quantenmechanik
Dr. Marc Wenskat (DESY) (öffentliche Veranstaltung - Eintritt frei)
19:30 Hamburg
DESY Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
Alexander von Humboldt-Professor Dr. Brian Foster lädt ein zur Veranstaltungsreie "Naturwissenschaft & Musik" 2017/2018
Klavierkonzert mit Werken von Robert und Clara Schumann
Amandine Savarie (Klavier) (öffentliche Veranstaltung - Eintritt frei - Anmeldung nicht erforderlich)

09:00 Hamburg
Flash seminar room, building 28 c
DESY Test Beam
Future Opportunities for Test Beams at DESY
A workshop for DESY test beam users
10:00 Zeuthen
CANCELLED! Astroparticle Seminar
High-speed plasma flow, plasma instabilities, and formation of astrophysical shock waves in laboratory with big laser facilities.
Hideaki Takabe | HZDR
14:00 Zeuthen
Astroparticle Seminar
What have we learned about the sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays via neutrino astronomy?
Shigeru Yoshida | Chiba University

09:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99

PIER Graduate Week 2017
16:30 -17:30 Hamburg
SR 2, build. 2a
Theory Seminar
Strongly Self-Interacting Vector Dark Matter via Freeze-in
Da Huang (University of Warsaw)
18:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99
PIER Graduate Week | wissenschatliches Kolloquium | öffentlicher Abenvortrag | Eintritt frei
From Skyrmions to Majoranas: Nanoscience Inspired by Particle Physics Theory
Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger (Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center Hamburg and Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, Universität Hamburg )
09:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99

PIER Graduate Week 2017
18:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99
PIER Graduate Week | Industry talk | öffentlicher Abendvortrag | Eintritt frei
Career paths in science and beyond
Prof. Dr. Carsten Claussen (director of the Fraunhofer ScreeningPort in Hamburg)
09:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99

PIER Graduate Week 2017
12:30 Hamburg

Advances in Free-electron Laser Science - Workshop of the Peter Paul Ewald Fellows
09:00 Hamburg
CFEL, building 99

PIER Graduate Week 2017
09:00 Hamburg

Advances in Free-electron Laser Science - Workshop of the Peter Paul Ewald Fellows
09:00 Hamburg

Advances in Free-electron Laser Science - Workshop of the Peter Paul Ewald Fellows
10:00 Zeuthen
Astroparticle Seminar
Astrophysical neutrinos flavored with Beyond the Standard Model physics
Rasmus Westphal Rasmussen | DESY
11:30 -13:00 Hamburg
Building 01b, seminar room 4a/b
ARD Lunch Seminar
Status and plans for the European Spallation Source
Roland Garoby (Technical Director at the European Spallation Source in Lund (ESSS), Schweden)
15:00 Hamburg
SR 4 Building 1b
Joint Instrumentation Seminar
Diamond Sensors
Dmitry Hits
19:00 Hamburg
DESY-Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
öffentliche Kunstaustellung | Vernissage | Eintritt frei
Vernissage: Art meets science
Dark Matter: Kunst trifft Wissenschaft beim Forschungszentrum DESY (Anmeldung bitte unter
14:30 -15:30 Hamburg
seminar room 1, bldg 1
Special String Theory Seminar
Orbifolds of 4d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories
Bruno Le Floch (Princeton)
16:00 -18:00 Hamburg
SR2, build. 2a
Theorie Seminar | Phd Defense
Interplay of Higgs Phenomenology and New Physics in Supersymmetric Theories
Shruti Patel
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL bldg. 99, seminar room IV, first floor
CFEL Theory Seminars
Electron-Nuclear Dynamics in atomic and molecular collisions: From charge transfer to energy loss
Remigio Cabrera-Trujillo (Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
19:00 Hamburg
DESY-Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
öffentliche Kunstaustellung | Eintritt frei
Art meets science
Dark Matter: Kunst trifft Wissenschaft beim Forschungszentrum DESY (Anmeldung bitte unter:
08:30 -14:00 Hamburg
building 1, DIR room / Seminarroom 1

84th Meeting of the DESY Physics Research Committee (PRC) - closed session
09:00 -13:00 Hamburg
DESY Auditorium, building 5

84th Meeting of the DESY Physics Research Committee (PRC) - open session
20:00 Hamburg
Building 1b, seminar rooms 4 a/b
The Arts Society of Hamburg (formerly BRIDFAS)
The Life and Times of Jane Austen
by Andrew Davies (guests are welcome)
08:30 -12:45 Hamburg
building 1, seminar room 1

84th Meeting of the DESY Physics Research Committee (PRC) - closed session
14:00 Hamburg
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
Quantum optomechanics - Mechanical motion in the quantum regime
Markus Aspelmeyer (Department of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria)
16:30 Hamburg
Gebäude 2a, Seminarraum 2
Maximally Supersymmetric AdS Solutions in Gauged Supergravity
Severin Dieter Lüst
10:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Technisches Seminar
PITZ - das grafische Nutzerinterface und jddd. Mehr als 15 Jahre Arbeit an der PITZ Gun, was bleibt?
Bert Schoeneich | DESY
16.45 -17.45 Hamburg
First results with XENON1T
Teresa Marrodan (MPIK Heidelberg)
16:45 -18:00 Hamburg
Campus Schenefeld, main building (XHQ) room E1.173
European XFEL Science Seminar
PETRA IV: X-Ray Analytics Go Nano
Christian Schroer (Photon Science, DESY)
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physik Kolloquium
First results from Xenon 1t
Teresa Maradon
19:00 Hamburg
DESY-Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
öffentliche Kunstaustellung | Eintritt frei
Art meets Science
Dark Matter: Kunst trifft Wissenschaft beim Forschungszentrum DESY (Anmeldung bitte unter:
10:00 Hamburg
CHyN Gebäude 600, Raum 301
Investigation of strained interfaces of Fe/(Ga, AI, In)As based spintropic heterojunctions
Gowri Santhosh Nag Rajkiran Tholapi
11:00 Hamburg
CFEL Gebäude 99, Seminarraum IV
Power scaling of ultrafast mid-IR source enabled by high-power fiber laser technology
Gengji Zhou
13:30 Hamburg
Gästespeisesaal, Geb. 9, EG
KITE - Konstrukteure, Ingenieure, Techniker, Entwickler
Installation des XFEL-Hauptbeschleungers
Michael Bousonville
14:15 -15:15 Hamburg
seminar room 2, bldg. 2a
String Theory Seminar
Lagrangians for Argyres-Douglas theories, unitarity bounds and 3d Abelianization
Sergio Benvenuti (SISSA)
10:00 Zeuthen
SR 1
The local universe and the environment of the local group
Noam Libeskind (AIP)
12:00 Hamburg
CFEL, Gebäude 99, Seminarraum IV
hochschulöffentliche Disputaton
X-ray beam characterization for single particle imaging experiments at Free Electron Lasers: optimizing wavefront measurements
Masoud Mehrjoo
14:00 Hamburg
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
Ultracold strontium for clocks, gravimeters and many-body physics
Florian Schreck (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
15:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 61, Hörsaal der Universität
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Neutron Imaging of Metal Hydride Systems
Stefan Börries
14:00 Hamburg
CFEL, Gebäude 99, Seminarraum V
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Design Study of a Laser-Driven X-ray Source for Medical Fluorescence Imaging
Theresa Karoline Brümmer
15:00 Hamburg
DESY-Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
öffentliche Kunstaustellung | Eintritt frei
Art meets science
Dark Matter: Kunst trifft Wissenschaft beim Forschungszentrum DESY (Anmeldung bitte unter: