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Lectures and events at DESY
Current month « 02.2017 » Week | Month | |||
01.02. | |||
14:30 -15:30 |
Geb. 2a, SR2 |
Theory Colloquium The importance of being in a nucleus Roberto Petti (University of South Carolina) |
15:00 |
SR 3 |
Physik Kolloquium Results from the OLYMPUS Experiment at DESY Axel Schmitt (MIT) |
02.02. | |||
10:00 |
CFEL 99/ SR I+II |
CFEL Molecular Physics Seminars 2017 Towards a predictive atomistic theory of dynamical processes in nanostructures Gabriel Bester (Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Hamburg) |
13:30 |
CFEL building no. 99, SR IV, first floor |
CFEL Seminar Multiscale movies of microstructure evolution Henning Friis Poulsen (Technical University of Denmark, Department of Physics, Lyngby) |
16:00 |
HU Berlin, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin, Raum NEW 15 1'421 |
Theorie Seminar CANCELLED! Towards a Numerical Unitarity Approach for Two-loop Amplitudes in QCD Harald Ita (Freiburg University) |
18:00 -19:00 |
Auditorium, building 5 |
TALK der Alexander von Humboldt-Professur Dr. Brian Foster Klimapolitik nach der UN Klimakonferenz COP in Paris 2015: Chancen und Herausforderungen Prof. Dr. Hermann Held (Universität Hamburg, Exzellenzcluster CliSAP) |
19:30 |
Auditorium, building 5 |
Concert | Alexander von Humboldt-Professur Dr. Brian Foster Konzert Thomas Carroll - Cello | Anthony Hewitt - Piano ( I. Stravinsky - Suite Italienne | B. Britten - Sonata in C Major, Op. 65 | S. Rachmaninov - Sonata in G Minor, Op. 19) |
03.02. | |||
10:00 |
4L03 |
Technisches Seminar "Prometheus: A Next-Generation Monitoring System" B. Rabenstein |
10:00 |
CFEL, Gebäude 99, SR II & III |
hochschulöffentliche Disputation A Novel Method and Error Analysis for Beam Optics Measurements and Corrections at the Large Hadron Collider Andy Sven Langner |
11:30 -13:00 |
Building 01b, seminar room 4a/b |
DESY Accelerator R&D Lunch Seminar Echo enabled harmonic generation: Experimental results, scaling, and sensitivity Erik Hemsing (SLAC) |
11:30 -13:00 |
Building 01b, seminar room 4a/b |
DESY Accelerator R&D Lunch Seminar Echo enabled harmonic generation: Experimental results, scaling, and sensitivity Erik Hemsing (SLAC) |
14:00 |
CFEL, building 99, SR I-III |
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium Many-Body Quantum Chemistry for Dynamics in the Condensed Phase Garnet Chan (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA) |
15:30 |
CFFL, building 99, SR IV |
hochschulöffentliche Disputation Electronic Excitations in Solids Studied with Static and Time Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy Florian Hieke |
06.02. | |||
16:00 |
SR 3 |
Lattice Seminar Factorization and the large N limit of the topological susceptibility of SU(N) Yang-Mills gauge theory Miguel Garcia Vera | NIC (DESY) |
16:30 -17:30 |
Geb. 2a, SR2 |
Theory Seminar "Structure of rapidity divergences at all perturbative orders" Alexey Vladimirov (Uni Regensburg) |
07.02. | |||
10:00 |
SR 3 |
Technisches Seminar PITZ - Stand, Erfolge, Perspektive A. Oppelt (DESY) |
16:45 |
Auditorium, building 5 |
Dienstagseminar Physics with Liquid-argon Detectors: from MicroBooNE to DUNE Stefan Soldner-Rembold (Univ. of Manchester) |
08.02. | |||
14:30 -15:30 |
Geb. 2a, SemRm 2 |
Theory Colloquium Higgs boson mass: the quest for precise predictions in SUSY models Dominik Stoeckinger (TU Dresden) |
15:00 |
SR 3 |
Physics Colloquium Physics with Liquid-Argon Detectors: from MicroBooNE to DUNE Stefan Soldner-Rembold | University of Manchester |
09.02. | |||
09:30 |
FLASH Seminar room |
PETRA Days (internal workshop) |
16:00 |
Geb. 99 (CFEL), Seminarraum V |
hochschulöffentliche Disputation The Electronic Structure of Small Mass Selected Clusters as Probed by Substrate Band Structure and Molecules Ivan Baev |
10.02. | |||
09:00 |
FLASH seminar room |
PETRA Days (internal workshop) |
10:00 |
SR 1 |
Astroteilchenseminar Sterile neutrino constraints with IceCube Andrii Terliuk (DESY) |
13.02. | |||
12:00 |
FLASH Seminar Room, building 28 c |
Research with High Energy X-Rays at Ultra-Low Emittance Sources |
16:00 |
SR 3 |
Lattice-Seminar Towards P to gamma-gamma form factors from twisted mass Lattice QCD Carsten Urbach (University of Bonn) |
16:30 -17:30 |
Geb. 2a, SR2 |
Theorie Seminar Invisible Decays in Higgs Pair Production Shankha Banerjee (Annecy) |
14.02. | |||
16:30 |
Gebäude 1b, SR 4a/b |
Vortragsserie GESUND BLEIBEN Zellen fahren gerne Fahrrad Prof. Dr. med. Martin Halle (Zentrum für Prävention und Sportmedizin, TU München) |
16.45 |
DESY Auditorium, bldg. 5 |
Dienstagsseminar Study Machine Learning trough HEP Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex) |
16:45 |
Schenefeld, Main Building (XHQ), Room 1.173 |
European XFEL Science Seminar Time-resolved studies of small molecules employing coincidence detection techniques Till Jahnke (University of Frankfurt) |
FLASH seminar room, building 28 c |
Research with High Energy X-Rays at Ultra-Low Emittance Sources |
15.02. | |||
10:00 |
SR 3 |
Technisches Seminar Die Entdeckung des Higgs und seine Bedeutung für die Physik B. Schöneich (DESY) |
15:00 |
SR3 |
Physik-Kolloquium Study Machine Learning through HEP Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow | Yandex Data Factory) |
CFEL building 99, SR III |
MPSD Theory Seminar Application of Time-Dependent Many-Body Perturbation Theory to Excitation Spectra of Selected Finite Model Systems Niko Säkkinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) |
FLASH seminar room, building 28 c |
Research with High Energy X-Rays at Ultra-Low Emittance Sources |
16.02. | |||
14:00 |
BAH1, Geb. 3 |
hochschulöffentliche Disputation Atomic structure of graphene supported heterogeneous model catalysts Dirk Franz |
14:00 |
Geb. 61, Uni-Auditorium |
hochschulöffentliche Disputation Surface effects in segmented silicon sensors Ioannis Kopsalis |
16:00 |
SR 3 |
Theorie Seminar Theoretical and phenomenological aspects of top-quark physics at the LHC Michal Czakon (RWTH Aachen) |
19:30 |
DESY Auditorium, building 5 |
B R I D F A S lecture - Guest are welcome Building Babylon in Eden – Art Treasures of New York Adrian Sumner |
17.02. | |||
15:00 |
Hörsaal AP, Jungiusstraße 11a, 20355 Hamburg |
hochschulöffentliche Disputation Confinement effects and stability of spin-spirals and skyrmions in ultrathin magnetic films Julian Claudius Hagemeister |
21.02. | |||
09:30 |
DESY-Hörsaal + Geb. 1b, SR 4a/b + FLASH-Halle |
Betriebsversammlung |
10:00 |
SR 3 |
Technisches Seminar Data Management/Operations bei ESO M. F. Sterzik (ESO) |
16:45 |
Schenefeld, Main Building (XHQ), Room 1.173 |
European XFEL Science Seminar Laser-plasma accelerators and radiation sources Dino Jaroszynski (Physics Department, Advanced Science and Technology, University of Strathclyde Glasgow, UK) |
16:45 |
Auditorium, building 5 |
Dienstagseminar Ultimate precision Standard Model tests: the muon magnetic anomaly Andreas Hoecker (CERN) |
22.02. | |||
17:00 |
Bistro, Gebäude 9 a |
Science Café | öffentliche Veranstaltung | Eintritt frei Vom Festhalten flüchtige Momente – Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte der Photographie Dr. Carolin Hahn (DESY ) |
23.02. | |||
10:00 -11:00 |
CFEL build9ing 99/ SR I+II |
Molecular Physics Seminar Watching Isolated Molecules Change Their Shape Yoni Toker (Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel) |
14:30 |
SR 1b, building 1 Foyer |
KITE-Forum Aktuelles vom ILC Karsten Buesser (DESY FLC) |
16:00 |
SR 3 |
Theorie Seminar Feynman integrals and differential equations Stefan Weinzierl (Mainz University) |
17:30 |
DESY Auditorium, building 5 |
SFB 676 Student Council Evening Lecture Philosophy meets physics: Let's have a look – observations, theories, philosophical troubles Dr. Nicola Mößner (RWTH Aachen) |
24.02. | |||
10:00 -16:00 |
SR 1 |
MINT400 Carolin Schwerdt (DESY) |
10:00 |
SR 3 |
Astroteilchenseminar Cosmogenic neutrinos challenge the proton dip model Jonas Heinze (DESY) |
11:30 -13:00 |
Building 01b, seminar room 4a/b |
ARD Lunch Seminar Route to TeV/cm, X-ray Wake Field acceleration Gérard Mourou (École Politechnique IZEST, Paris) |
18:30 -19:30 |
LAEISZHALLE, Kleiner Saal |
Vortrag | Eintritt frei | Alexander von Humboldt-Professur Dr. Brian Foster Die Entdeckung der Gravitationswellen Prof. Dr. Stefan Hild (Professor of Experimental Physics, Institut for Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow) |
20:00 |
LAEIZHALLE, kleiner Saal |
Konzert | freier Eintritt | Alexander von Humboldt-Professur Dr. Brian Foster Trio Dali Jack Liebeck - Violin | Amandine Savary - Piano | Christian La Marca - Cello (Ludwig van Beethoven - Piano Trio in E flat Major, Op.1 No. 1 | Roger Smalley - Piano Trio | Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy - Piano Trio in C Minor, Op. 66) |
27.02. | |||
15:00 |
Gebäude 1b, Seminarraum 4b |
hochschulöffentliche Disputation Characterization of nanowires by coherent x-ray diffractive imaging and ptychography Dmitry Dzhigaev |
28.02. | |||
16:45 |
Auditorium |
Dienstagsseminar The Scientific Potential of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Gernot Maier (DESY) |