DESY News: Doctoral Thesis Award of the German Astronomical Society for Annika Rudolph


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Doctoral Thesis Award of the German Astronomical Society for Annika Rudolph

DESY PhD student honored for her astrophysical modeling work

DESY PhD student Annika Rudolph will be awarded the German Astronomical Society´s 2023 Doctoral Thesis Award for her outstanding PhD thesis. The national professional association for astronomy and astrophysics made the announcement today. Annika Rudolph, who received her PhD from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, will receive the award for her work on high-energy astrophysical phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts using numerical modeling.

  In her dissertation, titled “Emission of Multiple Messengers from Gamma-Ray Bursts”, Rudolph works on the problem of astrophysical models to describe simultaneously the emission of ultrahigh-energy radiation and the emission of neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts. The tools she developed in her work allow predictions over a very wide electromagnetic spectral range and also for neutrinos.

The predictions her modeling leads to can now be tested against observations. 2Annika´s work is a significant contribution to gamma-ray bursts that goes far beyond the current state of knowledge,” says her PhD supervisor Walter Winter, head of the Theoretical Astroparticle Physics group at DESY and a private lecturer at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

To continue her work, Annika Rudolph has moved to the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen to work as a postdoc. The doctoral thesis award will be presented to her at the annual meeting of the German Astronomical Society in Berlin in September.

Further information
Announcement of the German Astronomical Society