Next: fonts-in-text Prev: Shortcuts Up: Shortcuts Top: Top Referring to code things in your text

In the text part of a literate program, one often wishes to refer to things in the code (e.g., function names) or have code expressions in the running text, and so forth. One would like this code-in-text to be typeset just like the real-code-parts (currently verbatim, but that could change). To mark off code-in-text, surround it with `at' signs: as in `@code in text@'; to put an `at' sign in in-line code, you've got to put in two `ats': `@x @@ (y, z)@'. Line-breaks are prevented inside "attified" code-text.

Because things inside `at' signs are so often just what you want to be indexed, the rule is: if the at-signed thing contains no whitespace, an index entry is generated. (How to prevent indexing and how to do fancier things about indexing and cross-referencing are given section See Indexing.)

APRIL91: see comments in section See text-in-code.