URL: https://www.desy.de/school/school_lab/zeuthen_site/cosmic_particles/experiments/cloud_chamber/index_eng.html
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Cloud Chamber
Cloud Chamber
A Cloud Chamber is a hands-on particle detector that allows students to make the particles' traces visible. Both permanently installed cloud chambers and those self-built with relatively easily accesible materials make it possible to observe and identify different particles.

The Cloud Chamber was the first particle detector with which one could display an elementary particle's path. That lead to a lot of findings about elementary particles. It was only in the 1950s that cloud chambers were slowly replaced by bubble chambers. A fex examples for important experiments with cloud chambers are the following:
- Investigation of the range of alpha radiation (L. Meitner, 1926)
- Discovery of the positron (C. Anderson, 1932)
- Nachweis der Paarerzeugung und Paarvernichtung von Elektronen und Positronen (P. Blackett und G. Ochialini, 1933)
- Entdeckung des Myons (C. Anderson und S. Neddermeyer, 1937)
Within the astroparticle project of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, cloud chambers were tested for self-construction. Detailed instructions on how to set up the experiment, how to carry it out and possible tasks can be found here (only in German).