URL: https://www.desy.de/school/school_lab/zeuthen_site/cosmic_particles/experiments/cosmo_experiment/index_eng.html
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CosMO Experiment
DESY in Zeuthen has developed the CosMO experiment (Cosmic Muon Observer) within the Cosmic Project of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt. The experiment offers high school and university students an independent study of cosmic particles. CosMO consists of components also used in large experiments, which gives a direct insight into the scientific endeavors of astroparticle physics.

DESY and the other partner institutes of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt provide a large number of CosMO Experiments for student projects performed in institutes or in schools.
Cosmic particles reaching the Earth's surface are mainly muons. If they cross a scintillator, a very short and weak light signal is generated. This scintillation light is guided via light conducting fibers to a SiPM (silicon photomultiplier), which, like a PMT, is sensitive enough to allow the detection of even very few photons. The SiPM generates a short electrical pulse which is transferred to the DAQ card. There the input signals are amplified, filtered and digitised. Then the card sends a data string with the relevant information to the notebook.
The SiPM used in the Cosmic Muon Observer is produced by Hamamatsu and also called MPPC which stands for Multi-Pixel Photon Counter.