Statement on protests in Iran


Protests in Iran: DESY condemns violence against demonstrators

We follow in horror and sadness the violence against people demonstrating for more freedom in Iran and the severe violations of human rights. There are students and researchers at Sharif University in Tehran and citizens all around Iran whose lives and freedom are now at stake.

DESY condemns this violence, and we particularly abhor the violence in Iran against women fighting for freedom of expression and the right to self-determination, which we urge to be respected as fundamental principles of humanity.

People all around the world are marginalized, threatened, or persecuted because they are different in one way or another, in both academia and life in general. Protecting diversity and the freedom of the individual at all times are values that we at DESY and Helmholtz stand for and are fully devoted to. We strongly commit ourselves to an organisational culture characterised by mutual respect and appreciation as well as an atmosphere of safety and openness, fairness and belonging, so that our people can fully develop their talents and grow as individuals.