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Ukraine war
Information of the research centre
On this webpage, you will find DESY- related information about the crisis. On the internal page, DESY staff can find out how they can help.
Statement on the War in Ukraine
The brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine, in violation of international law, continues. DESY condemns in the strongest possible terms all related actions by Russian state organs. This also counts for the fields of science: DESY distances itself from the slander, disinformation, and conspiracy theories that have been circulated by Russian state science institutions with regard to Russia’s war of aggression.
Our deepest sympathies and support go to the people of Ukraine and their families. We also stand with all of the Russian citizens who have condemned this war and suffer from state repression. We are redoubling our efforts to create prospects for scientists as well as people seeking refuge from the war. To this end, we are offering accommodation on our campuses in Hamburg and Zeuthen as well as funding and study programmes for Ukrainian scientists.
Since the beginning of this war on 24 February 2022 in the middle of Europe, we at DESY have been experiencing its effects on the world of research. Despite our long tradition of open dialogue in the sense of science diplomacy, this war of aggression has forced us to rethink: we have suspended all participation of Russian and Belarusian institutes in our scientific projects. They will be reorganised and staffed with new partners from Europe. Contacts with individual Russian scientists will be maintained on an individual basis.
The freedom of science and the international cooperation associated with it are fundamental pillars to every democratic system. Peaceful coexistence under international law is an indispensible prerequisite for this. For these reasons, we as scientists have a responsibility to work tirelessly towards this, both on a global level and on our own research campus.
Supporting measures at the research centre
- People who have fled Ukraine can find accommodation in the DESY guest houses in Hamburg and Zeuthen. The Ukraine Support Group at DESY assists with dealing with the local authorities and finding accommodation and offers leisure activities for adults and children.
- Scientists who have lost their jobs because of the war can get temporary employment through the DESY Ukraine Relief programme.
- Through the DESY–Ukraine Winter School, DESY has invited 22 students who had been studying in Ukraine to participate in a six-week internship in Hamburg and Zeuthen until mid-March. The programme comprises work on a selected scientific project as well as introductory lectures on topics in DESY’s research areas.
- The DESY Occupational Health Service is offering psychological support.