Prev: separate-compilation Up: Glasgow-objectives Top: Top Using one file in several ways

Say you're writing a Haskell compiler :-), which includes the source code for a typechecker. On the one hand, you want this to be included in "the book" (document) that is the whole compiler. However, you may also want to have a "typechecker document" that is itself self-contained (if only because the "book" is so big). Going further: perhaps one module of your typechecker is so amazing that you want to publish it as a paper.

You could make copies of files, edit them, etc., but that's tacky, and against a most deeply-held principle of literate programming: that you are looking at the source code for the program being described.

As it stands, this system lets you put `\begin{onlystandalone}' and `\end{onlystandalone}' around pieces of your files that only apply in the "do this as a standalone document" case; similarly, `\begin{onlypartofdoc}' and `\end{onlypartofdoc}' for stuff that only applies in the "the glorious whole" case.

APRIL91: I am fairly convinced I got this wrong and believe that this stuff would be much better handled with a pseudo-"C pre-preprocessor" (one that does not look inside code blocks [see deeply-held principle above; section See code-verissimilitude]); see section See pseudo-C-preprocessor.